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Wednesday 8, September Friday 10, September
14:30–17:00Plenary Session8:30–10:00Oral Communications
17:00–17:45Key Note Lecture1. Reproductive Health
History of I.E.A.2. Violence
Lester Breslow3. Methods II
UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles, USA4. Infant Mortality
17:45Opening Session10:00–11:00Coffee and Posters Session
Thursday 9, September 11:00–13:00Oral Communications
8:30–10:00Oral Communications1. Digestive Cancer
1. Youth Health2. Communicable Diseases
2. Cancer3. Cardiovascular I
3. Social Inequalities4. Life Styles / Quality of Life
4. Chronic Diseases I5. Neonatal Health5. Multiple Births in Europe
10:00–11:00Coffee and Posters Session14:30–16:00Thematic Sessions
11:00–13:00Oral Communications16:00–16:30Posters Session
1. Nutrition16:30–17:15Key Note Lecture
2. Health ServicesEastern and Western Europe more than a decade after
3. HIV/AIDSthe fall of communism: convergence or divergence?
4. Mental HealthMartin Bobak
5. Environmental StudiesUniversity College London, Dept. of Epidemiology and
13:00–14:30LunchPublic Health, London, UK
14:30–16:00Thematic Sessions17:15–17:45Coffee
16:00–16:30Posters Session17:45–18:45Oral Communications
16:30–17:15Key Note Lecture1. Child Health
The analysis of recurrent events in2. Chronic Diseases III
epidemiological studies.3. Allergy / Asthma
Jos Twisk4. Miscellaneous
Vrije Universiteit University Medical Center, Saturday 11, September
Amsterdam, The Netherlands9:00–10:30Oral Communications
17:15–17:45Coffee1. Perinatal Care
17:45–18:45Oral Communications2. Occupational Health
1. Chronic Diseases II3. Breast and Cervical Cancer
2. Methods I4. Prematurity
3. Clinical Epidemiology
 4. Injuries5. Cardiovascular II
10:30–11:30Coffee and Posters Session
11:30–12:45Key Note Lecture
Cohort studies in HIV/AIDS: from etiology to
Public Health.
Alvaro Muñoz
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health
Baltimore, U.S.A.
12:45–13:15Closing Session