Table 1

Maternal, birth and child characteristics for child development and school performance by infection requiring hospitalisation

Cohort for development (N=276 454)Cohort for education (N=644 291)
Not-hospitalised for infection (%)Hospitalised for infection (%)Not-hospitalised for infection (%)Hospitalised for infection (%)
Overall220 344 (79.7)56 110 (20.3)509 196 (79.0)135 095 (21.0)
Maternal age at birth (years)
 ≤196893 (3.1)2545 (4.5)16 573 (3.3)6531 (4.8)
 20–2429 018 (13.2)8994 (16.0)68 302 (13.4)22 268 (16.5)
 25–2960 218 (27.3)15 732 (28.0)139 787 (27.5)38 141 (28.2)
 30–3474 014 (33.6)17 837 (31.8)170 812 (33.5)42 520 (31.5)
 35–3941 303 (18.7)9109 (16.2)94 196 (18.5)21 412 (15.8)
 40+8898 (4.0)1893 (3.4)19 526 (3.8)4223 (3.1)
Maternal smoking during pregnancy
 No195 325 (88.6)47 964 (85.5)447 063 (87.8)114 012 (84.4)
 Yes25 019 (11.4)8146 (14.5)62 133 (12.2)21 083 (15.6)
Gestational or maternal diabetes
 No207 276 (94.1)52 967 (94.4)483 084 (94.9)128 434 (95.1)
 Yes13 068 (5.9)3143 (5.6)26 112 (5.1)6661 (4.9)
Maternal country of birth
 Australia153 388 (69.6)41 807 (74.5)360 342 (70.8)102 314 (75.7)
 Overseas66 956 (30.4)14 303 (25.5)148 854 (29.2)32 781 (24.3)
Maternal residential location
 Major city171 328 (77.8)42 368 (75.5)398 572 (78.3)101 998 (75.5)
 Inner regional37 355 (17.0)10 249 (18.3)84 403 (16.6)24 613 (18.2)
 Outer regional or more11 661 (5.3)3493 (6.2)26 221 (5.1)8484 (6.3)
 Q1 (most disadvantage)40 675 (18.5)11 521 (20.5)95 935 (18.8)28 403 (21.0)
 Q243 780 (19.9)12 030 (21.4)101 040 (19.8)28 877 (21.4)
 Q348 249 (21.9)11 496 (20.5)110 410 (21.7)27 316 (20.2)
 Q440 786 (18.5)9574 (17.1)94 886 (18.6)23 029 (17.0)
 Q546 854 (21.3)11 489 (20.5)106 925 (21.0)27 470 (20.3)
Maternal education
 University46 877 (21.3)10 889 (19.4)155 263 (30.5)35 787 (26.5)
 Certificate59 167 (26.9)16 102 (28.7)196 651 (38.6)53 865 (39.9)
 Year 1214 612 (6.6)3777 (6.7)49 318 (9.7)12 735 (9.4)
 Below year 1221 016 (9.5)6427 (11.5)71 428 (14.0)21 802 (16.1)
 Unknown/not stated78 672 (35.7)18 915 (33.7)36 536 (7.2)10 906 (8.1)
Paternal education
 University38 126 (17.3)8512 (15.2)132 490 (26.0)29 372 (21.7)
 Certificate58 751 (26.7)15 511 (27.6)195 732 (38.4)51 935 (38.4)
 Year 1210 936 (5.0)2786 (5.0)37 748 (7.4)9576 (7.1)
 Below year 1216 205 (7.4)4924 (8.8)55 813 (11.0)16 736 (12.4)
 Unknown/not stated96 326 (43.7)24 377 (43.4)87 413 (17.2)27 476 (20.3)
Maternal occupation
 Managers/professionals50 840 (23.1)12 832 (22.9)170 300 (33.4)43 143 (31.9)
 Tradesperson29 130 (13.2)7792 (13.9)97 099 (19.1)26 084 (19.3)
 Other paid workers16 275 (7.4)4523 (8.1)56 200 (11.0)15 127 (11.2)
 Non-paid workers38 567 (17.5)10 066 (17.9)123 608 (24.3)32 180 (23.8)
 Unknown/not stated85 532 (38.8)20 897 (37.2)61 989 (12.2)18 561 (13.7)
Paternal occupation
 Managers/professionals60 107 (27.3)14 690 (26.2)203 370 (39.9)49 196 (36.4)
 Tradesperson30 318 (13.8)7729 (13.8)100 757 (19.8)26 120 (19.3)
 Other paid workers23 648 (10.7)6555 (11.7)77 121 (15.1)21 157 (15.7)
 Non-paid workers5762 (2.6)1613 (2.9)25 715 (5.1)6719 (5.0)
 Unknown/not stated100 509 (45.6)25 523 (45.5)102 233 (20.1)31 903 (23.6)
 Male107 005 (48.6)30 679 (54.7)248 275 (48.8)73 927 (54.7)
 Female113 339 (51.4)25 431 (45.3)260 921 (51.2)61 168 (45.3)
Gestational age, week
 37–3851 759 (23.5)14 673 (26.2)114 547 (22.5)34 033 (25.2)
 39–41165 676 (75.2)40 743 (72.6)386 342 (75.9)99 112 (73.4)
 42+2909 (1.3)694 (1.2)8307 (1.6)1950 (1.4)
Birth weight (g)
 1500–24993365 (1.5)922 (1.6)7858 (1.5)2351 (1.7)
 2500–3499114 668 (52.0)28 604 (51.0)262 408 (51.5)68 854 (51.0)
 3500–449998 282 (44.6)25 481 (45.4)229 337 (45.0)61 226 (45.3)
 4500+4029 (1.8)1103 (2.0)9593 (1.9)2664 (2.0)
Mode of delivery
 Vaginal159 184 (72.2)39 431 (70.3)374 308 (73.5)96 687 (71.6)
 Caesarean section61 061 (27.7)16 660 (29.7)134 688 (26.5)38 353 (28.4)
Cumulative length of hospital stay up to 4 years, days
 0180 472 (81.9)3519 (6.3)414 184 (81.3)8397 (6.2)
 1–328 531 (12.9)28 340 (50.5)68 062 (13.4)67 415 (49.9)
 4–79153 (4.2)16 604 (29.6)21 369 (4.2)40 202 (29.8)
 8+2188 (1.0)7647 (13.6)5581 (1.1)19 081 (14.1)
Severe neonatal morbidity
 No216 954 (98.5)54 348 (96.9)502 028 (98.6)131 036 (97.0)
 Yes3390 (1.5)1762 (3.1)7168 (1.4)4059 (3.0)
Comorbidity in childhood
 No210 618 (95.6)49 867 (88.9)483 095 (94.9)118 199 (87.5)
 Yes9726 (4.4)6243 (11.1)26 101 (5.1)16 896 (12.5)
Year of birth*
 2001–2007103 993 (47.2)28 329 (50.5)270 873 (53.2)77 057 (57.0)
 2008–2014116 351 (52.8)27 781 (49.5)238 323 (46.8)58 038 (43.0)
Season of birth
 Spring56 318 (25.6)13 770 (24.5)132 751 (26.1)33 880 (25.1)
 Summer52 844 (24.0)13 551 (24.2)124 059 (24.4)32 906 (24.4)
 Autumn55 325 (25.1)14 709 (26.2)123 805 (24.3)34 596 (25.6)
 Winter55 857 (25.3)14 080 (25.1)128 581 (25.3)33 713 (25.0)
  • *For school performance, year of birth was categorised into 2001–2006 and 2007–2011.

  • SEIFA, Socio-Economic Index for Areas.