Table 1

Descriptive characteristics of the study sample by high school type

Characteristics and outcome at 46 years oldHigh school attended (N/mean; %/SD)
NComprehensive and otherGrammarPrivate
Full sample81077229 (89.2%)308 (3.8%)570 (7.0%)
Male38923430 (88.1%)153 (3.9%)309 (7.9%)**
Female42153799 (90.1%)155 (3.7%)261 (6.2%)
Potential confounders
Parental education: degree (10 years)6602
 Yes1146852 (74.4%)86 (7.5%)208 (18.2%)**
 No54565084 (93.2%)159 (2.9%)213 (3.9%)
Parental occupational class (10 years)6922
 I Professional467319 (68.3%)34 (7.3%)114 (24.4%)**
 II Managerial and technical18511540 (83.2%)104 (5.6%)207 (11.2%)
 III Non-manual799707 (88.5%)41 (5.1%)51 (6.4%)
 III Manual27322622 (96.0%)57 (2.1%)53 (2.0%)
 IV Partly skilled848813 (96.0%)21 (2.4%)14 (1.6%)
 V Unskilled225221 (98.2%)3 (1.3%)1 (0.4%)
Weekly household income (10 years)6569
 Under £359590 (94.7%)2 (2.1%)3 (3.2%)**
 £35–49272255 (93.8%)13 (4.8%)4 (1.5%)
 £50–9917941718 ((95.8%)44 (2.5%)32 (1.8%)
 £100–14923172183 (94.2%)69 (3.0%)65 (2.8%)
 £150–19911601048 (90.3%)41 (3.5%)71 (6.1%)
 £200–249478372 (77.8%)37 (7.7%)69 (14.5%)
 £250453265 (58.5%)35 (7.7%)153 (33.8%)
Reading score (10 years)604241.7 (11.7)51.3 (8.7)50.8 (10.0)**
Maths score (10 years)604145.3 (11.3)55.0 (9.2)54.5 (10.8)**
Spelling Dictation task (10 years)646435.7 (10.1)42.2 (7.1)41.2 (8.0)**
Pictorial Language Comprehension (10 years)657562.1 (10.11)69.8 (9.5)69.1 (10.5)**
British Ability Scales (10 years)601061.1 (12.5)72.2 (11.1)71.4 (12.6)**
School missed due to illness (10 years)7063
 Yes26112400 (91.9%)84 (3.2%)127 (4.9%)**
 No44523952 (88.8%)180 (4.0%)320 (7.2%)
Presence of disability (10 years)7077
 Yes453409 (90.2%)12 (2.7%)32 (7.1%)
 No66245958 (90.0%)249 (3.8%)417 (6.3%)
 Body mass index (kg/m2)706828.6 (5.5)27.7 (5.4)26.9 (4.8)**
 Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)7180124.2 (15.2)123.6 (14.2)122.0 (14.3)**
 Pulse (beats per minute)717868.4 (10.6)66.7 (10.5)66.3 (10.3)**
Physical function
 Grip strength (kg)714638.0 (12.1)38.6 (10.9)39.5 (11.1)**
 Standing balance: eyes opened (s)705428.1 (5.8)28.4 (5.6)28.8 (4.9)*
 Standing balance: eyes closed (s)611811.6 (9.6)14.2 (10.4)14.3 (10.3)**
Cognitive function
 Immediate word recall80526.6 (1.4)7.1 (1.4)7.2 (1.3)**
 Animal naming804723.5 (6.0)26.0 (6.8)26.2 (6.4)**
 Letter cancellation speed7822345.5 (84.1)351.6 (76.7)361.6 (82.7)**
 Delayed word recall80465.4 (1.8)6.2 (1.7)6.1 (1.8)**
  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, using χ2 test or t-test across high school type.