Table 2

The multivariate output for models where COVID-19-related hospitalisation was the dependent variable (both panels) and sex, age and ethnicity were the independent variables (left panel) or sex, age, ethnicity and childhood adversity were the independent variables (right panel)

VariableBase model (without adversity): predicting hospitalisationModel without adversity predicting hospitalisation
ORs95% CIP valueORs95% CIP value
 Intercept0.000.00 to 0.00 <0.001 0.000.00 to 0.00 <0.001
 Ethnicity: other (white ref.)2.541.64 to 3.95 <0.001 2.281.47 to 3.55 <0.001
 Ethnicity: black (white ref.)3.602.09 to 6.20 <0.001 3.061.77 to 5.29 <0.001
 Ethnicity: Asian (white ref.)2.131.24 to 3.64 0.006 1.931.13 to 3.31 0.017
 Sex (female reference)2.101.80 to 2.45 <0.001 2.151.84 to 2.51 <0.001
 Age (at recruitment)1.261.17 to 1.36 <0.001 1.281.18 to 1.38 <0.001
 Childhood adversity1.231.15 to 1.31 <0.001
Random effects
 σ2 3.293.29
 τ00 0.10site 0.10site
 N22site 22site
 Observations151 200151 200
 Marginal R2/conditional R2 0.061/0.0900.073/0.100
  • Bold values are statistically significant at p<0.05.

  • ICC, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient.