Table 1

Distribution of lifestyle risk factors and scoring of overall lifestyle score

Lifestyle factorDescriptionLow risk=2Medium Risk=1High risk=0
Smoking Smoking history Non-smoker Previous smoker Current smoker
N (%)72 770 (57.3)48 431 (38.1)5 901 (4.6)
Physical activity Minutes of MVPA per week ≥300 150–299 ≤149
N (%)57 955 (51.4)17 868 (15.9)36 904 (32.7)
Sleep Hours per day 7–9 >5–7 or >9–11 <5 or >11
N (%)91 598 (74.6)27 276 (22.2)3 864 (3.1)
Sitting Hours per day <7 7–9 >9
N (%)86 596 (75.5)17 991 (15.7)10 163 (8.9)
Diet score * Out of 10 >7 >3–7 0–3
N (%)43 437 (34.9)69 648 (56)11 266 (9.1)
Fruit* Serves per day ≥2 1 0
N (%)74 567 (61.1)39 000 (32)8 497 (7)
Vegetable Serves per day ≥5 3–4 0–2
N (%)43 506 (35)38 398 (30.9)42 459 (34.1)
Red meat Serves per week 0–2 3–4 ≥5
N (%)40 670 (33.2)51 472 (42)30 495 (24.9)
Processed meat Serves per week 0 1–2 ≥3
N (%)24 717 (23.7)60 328 (57.8)19 368 (18.5)
Fish Serves per week ≥3 1–2 0
N (%)25 481 (21.2)86 972 (72.4)7 713 (6.4)
Overall lifestyle score† Out of 10 9–10 6–8 0–5
N (%)29 638 (24.5)74 794 (61.9)16 448 (13.6)
  • *Composite score based on response to the five diet questions.

  • †Composite score based on response to lifestyle questions and diet score.

  • MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity.