MEPI indicators | |
Using biomass for cooking, n (%) yes | 388 803 (80.5)* |
Indoor air pollution, n (%) yes | 126 909 (26.3) |
Electricity access, n (%) yes | 280 013 (58.0) |
Household appliance ownership, n (%) has a fridge | 80 146 (16.6) |
Entertainment/education, n (%) yes | 166 196 (34.4) |
Telecommunication means, n (%) yes | 401 097 (83.0) |
Energy poverty according to MEPI | |
MEPI, mean (SD)† | 0.51 (0.23) |
Energy poverty, n (%)‡ yes | 401 833 (83.2) |
Table is based on non-imputed dataset.
*Percentages are based on unweighted sample.
†MEPI represents the sum of weights for each indicator.
‡Energy poverty status was defined with an MEPI cut-off value of 0.30.
MEPI, Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index.