Table 1

Characteristics of study participants according to exposure to death of a child

VariablesExposure to the loss of a child
(n=2 740 028)
(n=64 216)
N (%)N (%)
All cohort
Age at study entry/mean (SD), years29.0 (5.4)28.5 (5.8)
 Men1 362 908 (49.7)29 742 (46.3)
 Women1 377 120 (50.3)34 474 (53.7)
Country of birth
 Denmark2 428 681 (88.6)58 462 (91.0)
 Other countries311 347 (11.4)5754 (9.0)
Year of entry in the study
 Before 1980698 879 (25.5)31 510 (49.1)
 1980–1989502 426 (18.3)15 724 (24.5)
 1990–1999596 641 (21.8)9992 (15.6)
 2000–2009565 652 (20.6)5140 (8.0)
 After 2009376 430 (13.7)1850 (2.9)
Marital status at baseline*
 Married or in registered partnership1 402 329 (51.2)34 977 (54.5)
 Single, widowed or divorced451 847 (16.5)7073 (11.0)
 Missing885 852 (32.3)22 166 (34.5)
Highest education at baseline (in years)†
 0–9711 221 (26.0)26 339 (41.0)
 10–141 276 509 (46.6)25 956 (40.4)
 ≥15582 730 (21.3)8314 (12.9)
 Missing169 568 (6.2)3607 (5.6)
Household income at baseline‡
 Low tertile618 113 (22.6)11 175 (17.4)
 Middle tertile619 603 (22.6)9691 (15.1)
 High tertile620 919 (22.7)8098 (12.6)
 Missing881 393 (32.2)35 252 (54.9)
History of CVD at baseline
 No2 679 130 (97.8)63 338 (98.6)
 Yes60 898 (2.2)878 (1.4)
History of psychiatric disorders at baseline
 No2 663 390 (97.8)63 151 (98.3)
 Yes76 638 (2.8)1065 (1.7)
Parents’ history of CVD§
 No1 227 013 (44.8)25 470 (39.7)
 Yes671 916 (24.5)8851 (13.8)
 Missing841 099 (30.7)29 895 (46.6)
Sibling’s history of CVD§
 No1 794 567 (65.5)33 222 (51.7)
 Yes104 362 (3.8)1099 (1.7)
 Missing841 099 (30.7)29 895 (46.6)
Maternal subcohort (n=1 411 594)
Maternal hypertension before childbirth
 No1 350 442 (98.1)34 027 (98.7)
 Yes26 678 (1.9)447 (1.3)
Maternal diabetes before childbirth
 No1 368 559 (99.4)34 343 (99.6)
 Yes8561 (0.6)131 (0.4)
Maternal smoking in early pregnancy¶
 No551 778 (40.1)5118 (14.8)
 Yes135 176 (9.8)1918 (5.6)
 Missing690 166 (50.1)27 438 (79.6)
  • *The information on marital status was available since 1972.

  • †The information on education was available since 1980.

  • ‡The information on income was available since 1980.

  • §The information on the linkage to parents and siblings was available since 1970, while on CVDs from 1977.

  • ¶The reason for the high missing rate on maternal smoking is that information on this variable started to be registered in 1991 and even during subsequent years its coverage was not complete and varied over the years. A total of 885 643 women had at least one child in 1991 or later.

  • CVD, cardiovascular diseases; SD, standard deviation.