Table 1

Estimated contribution of differential exposure and susceptibility to stressful family conditions on the total effect of maternal education on emotional and behavioural development of 13-year-old children

Differential exposureDifferential susceptibilityTotal effect
Absolute95% CIRelativeAbsolute95% CIRelativeAbsolute95% CI
Financial stress
 Medium education versus high education−0.03−0.04 to 0.0153%−0.02−0.07 to 0.0339%−0.05−0.13 to 0.01
 Low education
 versus high education
−0.07−0.12 to 0.0154%−0.01−0.04 to 0.0110%−0.12−0.27 to 0.01
Social stress
 Medium education versus high education−0.02−0.03 to 0.0032%0.00−0.01 to 0.020%−0.05−0.13 to 0.02
 Low education
 versus high education
−0.03−0.07 to 0.0127%−0.00−0.04 to 0.034%−0.11−0.25 to 0.03
Total stress
 Medium education versus high education−0.03−0.05 to 0.0265%−0.02−0.07 to 0.0340%−0.05−0.13 to 0.01
 Low education
 versus high education
−0.08−0.14 to 0.0469%−0.01−0.06 to 0.049%−0.12−0.26 to 0.01
  • Note: Outcome and mediator variables were standardised. The total effect consists of four components: CDE, PIE, INTref and INTmed. Differential exposure is defined as the sum of the components PIE and INTmed; differential impact/susceptibility is defined as the sum of the components INTref and INTmed.

  • CDE, controlled direct effect; INTmed, mediated interaction; INTref, reference interaction; PIE, pure indirect effect.