Table 3

Results of logistic regression (generalised linear model) of factors associated with COVID-19 deaths versus COVID-19 cases (see online supplemental table A3 for coefficients)

Wave 1Wave 2Wave 3
OR95% CIP valueOR95% CIP valueOR95% CIP value
 Female (Ref)
 Male2.242.03 to 2.47<0.0011.711.60 to 1.83<0.0011.631.32 to 2.03<0.001
 Age in years1.081.08 to 1.09<0.0011.111.10 to 1.11<0.0011.111.10 to 1.12<0.001
 SIMD5 (Ref)
 SIMD41.291.09 to 1.52< to 1.31< to 1.520.90
 SIMD31.411.20 to 1.66<0.0011.271.13 to 1.43<0.0011.310.91 to 1.890.15
 SIMD21.401.20 to 1.65<0.0011.301.16 to 1.45<0.0011.370.96 to 1.960.09
 SIMD11.581.35 to 1.85<0.0011.481.33 to 1.64<0.0011.851.32 to 2.60<0.001
 Ischaemic heart diseaseN/A1.151.05 to 1.24<0.011.341.01 to 1.750.04
 Other heart diseaseN/A1.361.26 to 1.47<0.0011.901.47 to 2.46<0.001
 Other circulatory diseaseN/A1.271.17 to 1.37<0.001N/A
 Chronic kidney disease2.081.50 to 2.88<0.0013.212.56 to 4.01<0.0012.891.53 to 5.21<0.001
 Neurological disease1.381.23 to 1.55<0.0011.581.45 to 1.72<0.0013.262.35 to 4.49<0.001
 Liver disease2.821.78 to 4.42<0.0015.043.97 to 6.38<0.001N/A
 Diabetes1.341.18 to 1.51<0.0011.661.53 to 1.79<0.0011.651.26 to 2.13<0.001
 COPD*1.741.50 to 2.02<0.0012.011.82 to 2.22<0.0011.931.39 to 2.66<0.001
 Cancer1.561.33 to 1.84<0.0011.971.79 to 2.18<0.0012.341.69 to 3.20<0.001
  • ORs are N/A where no deaths occurred within this subgroup during the specified wave.

  • *Each comorbidity is an individual variable and the reference group is the absence of that specific comorbidity.

  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; N/A, not available; SIMD, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.