Table 3

Variation in timing of the maternal 6-week check in the first 12 weeks post partum, by maternal characteristics (n=34 337)

CharacteristicTiming of the 6-week check, n (row %)
(<6 weeks)
(6–8 weeks)
1 week late
(9 weeks)
≥2 weeks late
(10–12 weeks)
Not at allTotal
Overall697 (2)13 843 (40)3818 (11)3102 (9)12 877 (38)34 337 (100)
Within age groups<20 years9 (1)254 (30)84 (10)93 (11)420 (49)860 (100)
20–24 years70 (2)1428 (33)461 (11)444 (10)1910 (44)4313 (100)
25–29 years172 (2)3375 (38)1017 (11)864 (10)3570 (40)8998 (100)
30–34 years231 (2)4904 (43)1209 (11)959 (9)3983 (35)11 286 (100)
35–39 years179 (3)3111 (44)828 (12)633 (9)2387 (33)7138 (100)
≥40 years36 (2)771 (44)219 (13)109 (6)607 (35)1742 (100)
Preterm birthNo660 (2)13 081 (41)3551 (11)2823 (9)11 694 (37)31 809 (100)
Yes37 (1)762 (30)267 (11)279 (11)1183 (47)2528 (100)
By ethnic groupWhite425 (2)8982 (43)2185 (10)1674 (8)7682 (37)20 948 (100)
BAME123 (2)1831 (36)700 (14)623 (12)1799 (35)5076 (100)
Missing149 (2)3030 (36)933 (11)805 (10)3396 (41)8313 (100)
Within geographical regionsEast of EnglandX*1148 (49)223 (9)X*775 (33)2349 (100)
London189 (3)3105 (42)1043 (14)731 (10)2291 (31)7359 (100)
Midlands96 (2)1503 (37)519 (13)405 (10)1595 (39)4118 (100)
North East, Yorkshire and HumberX*214 (26)170 (20)X*355 (42)837 (100)
North West116 (3)949 (22)418 (10)503 (11)2397 (55)4383 (100)
South East198 (2)5574 (47)1070 (9)848 (7)4275 (36)11 965 (100)
South West63 (2)1350 (41)375 (11)349 (10)1189 (36)3326 (100)
By individual-level area deprivation (IMD)1 (least deprived)143 (2)3074 (49)622 (10)409 (6)2057 (33)6305 (100)
2106 (2)2196 (43)539 (11)379 (7)1872 (37)5092 (100)
396 (2)2104 (40)536 (10)482 (9)2031 (39)5249 (100)
4108 (2)1966 (34)702 (12)625 (11)2343 (41)5744 (100)
5 (most deprived)98 (2)1705 (31)712 (13)615 (11)2359 (43)5489 (100)
Missing146 (2)2798 (43)707 (11)592 (9)2215 (34)6458 (100)
By practice-level area deprivation (IMD)1 (least deprived)104 (2)3295 (57)547 (9)298 (5)1540 (27)5784 (100)
2166 (3)2281 (37)760 (12)627 (10)2369 (38)6203 (100)
3100 (1)2963 (41)696 (10)635 (9)2906 (40)7300 (100)
4169 (3)2365 (38)589 (9)536 (9)2586 (41)6245 (100)
5 (most deprived)158 (2)2939 (33)1226 (14)1006 (11)3476 (39)8805 (100)
  • North East and Yorkshire and Humber are combined due to small numbers.

  • *Cells are suppressed because of small numbers in the cells.

  • BAME, black, Asian and minority ethnic; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation.