Table 1

Categories of early adulthood economic activity used in the analysis, derived from reported economic activity categories and occupational social class

Early adulthood economic activityReported economic activity categoriesOccupational social class (RGSC 1991)Examples of occupational social class37
EducationFull-time education
Part-time education
Government-training schemes
Professional employmentFull-time employment
Part-time employment
Self-employed (full or part-time)
Professional occupationsNational government administrators, scientists, doctors
Managerial employmentManagerial and technical occupationsGeneral managers, police officers, bank managers, teachers, nurses
Skilled non-manual employmentSkilled non-manual occupationsSalespeople, restaurant/shop managers, clerks, secretaries
Skilled manual employmentSkilled manual occupationsPlumbers, carpenters, mechanics, bus drivers
Partly skilled employmentPartly skilled occupationsWaiters, market traders, farm workers
Unskilled employmentUnskilled occupationsLabourers, porters
UnemployedUnemployed and seeking workn/an/a
Economically inactiveLooking after home/family
Travelling/extended holiday
Voluntary work
Maternity leave
  • n/a, not applicable; RGSC, Registrar General’s Social Class.