Table 1

List of variables included in the model

Variables for modelsData sourceDefinition
School variables
Pupil numberSchool CensusNumber of boys and girls enrolled in the school according to the school census
School typeSchool CensusLocal authority-controlled or academy
RuralitySchool CensusOffice for National Statistics Classification:
Rural: hamlets and isolated dwellings, town and fringe, and village
Urban: urban city and town, major conurbation and minor conurbation
Percent of disadvantaged pupilsSchool CensusEligible for free school meals or have been in the last 6 years; looked after children, or those who have previously looked after by the state, but are now adopted or are subject to a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order, or a residence order; children with parents in the armed forces
Percent of pupils whose first language is known or believed to be other than EnglishSchool CensusA proxy measure for ethnic diversity: a pupil’s first language is defined as any language other than English that a child was exposed to during early development and continues to be exposed to at home or in community
Educational attainment—percent of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and mathsNational Pupil DatabaseEducational attainment defined as the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics. It is a scaled score of 100 or above that is derived from standardised testing. A scaled score of 100 or more signifies a child is working at the expected national standard, while a score below 100 indicates that a child has not reached the government expected national standard. The maximum score possible is 120, and the minimum is 80
Local authority variables
Adult physical activity levelsActive Lives Adults SurveyPercent of adults reporting they are doing moderate or vigorous activity for more than 150 min a week
Child physical activity levelsActive Lives Children and Young People SurveyPercent of children reporting they are doing moderate or vigorous activity for 30 min or more of both at school and outside school every day
Adult excess weight status prevalenceActive Lives Adults SurveyPercent of adults (aged 18+) classified as overweight or obese
Child excess weight status prevalenceNational Child Measurement ProgrammePercent of children classified as overweight or obese at reception, the beginning of primary school when children are 5–6 years old