Study | Papers reporting results used in analysis | Duration of study | Location and dates of data collection | Sample size | Participant characteristics | Recruitment methods | Interventions assessed | Treatment as usual used to compare |
Pathways Housing First | Gulcur et al
8 Tsemberis et al 48 | 24 months | New York City, New York (USA) 1997–2003 | 225 | Homeless, mental health disorder, individual | Recruited from street through referral (157) or psychiatric hospitals (68) | Housing First with ACT | Entered programmes following Treatment First models |
At Home/Chez soi | Aubry et al
46 Chung et al 43 Stergiopoulos et al 47 | 21–24 months | Moncton, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg (Canada) 2009–2013 | 2148 | Homeless or insecurely housed, mental health disorder, substance use disorder, individual | Referral from health and social care services, community agencies and institutions | Housing First with ACT; Housing First with ICM; scattered site or congregate | Access to usual services; allowed to use any services other than those offered by Housing First programme |
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS | Wolitski et al 45 | 18 months | Baltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California (USA) 2004–2007 | 630 | Homeless or insecurely housed, HIV-positive, individual | Referred by agencies providing HOPWA rental assistance | HOPWA rental assistance with case management | Customary housing services with case management |
Chicago Housing for Health Partnership | Sadowski et al
44 Buchanan et al 52 | 18 months | Chicago, Illinois (USA) 2003–2007 | 407 | Homeless or insecurely housed, chronic illness, individual | Referral of hospitalised homeless patients by social worker | Short, transitional stay for medical care followed by permanent housing, scattered site or congregate, ongoing case management | Hospital discharge planning service with no continued relationship. Transport to shelter. Access to existing services |
ACT, Assertive Community Treatment; HOPWA, Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS; ICM, Intensive Case Management.