Table 1

Overview of included studies

StudyPapers reporting results used in analysisDuration of studyLocation and dates of data collectionSample sizeParticipant characteristicsRecruitment methodsInterventions assessedTreatment as usual used to compare
Pathways Housing FirstGulcur et al 8
Tsemberis et al 48
24 monthsNew York City, New York (USA)
225Homeless, mental health disorder, individualRecruited from street through referral (157) or psychiatric hospitals (68)Housing First with ACTEntered programmes following Treatment First models
At Home/Chez soiAubry et al 46
Chung et al 43
Stergiopoulos et al 47
21–24 monthsMoncton, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg (Canada)
2148Homeless or insecurely housed, mental health disorder, substance use disorder, individualReferral from health and social care services, community agencies and institutionsHousing First with ACT; Housing First with ICM; scattered site or congregateAccess to usual services; allowed to use any services other than those offered by Housing First programme
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDSWolitski et al 45 18 monthsBaltimore, Maryland; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California (USA)
630Homeless or insecurely housed, HIV-positive, individualReferred by agencies providing HOPWA rental assistanceHOPWA rental assistance with case managementCustomary housing services with case management
Chicago Housing for Health PartnershipSadowski et al 44
Buchanan et al 52
18 monthsChicago, Illinois (USA)
407Homeless or insecurely housed, chronic illness, individualReferral of hospitalised homeless patients by social workerShort, transitional stay for medical care followed by permanent housing, scattered site or congregate, ongoing case managementHospital discharge planning service with no continued relationship. Transport to shelter. Access to existing services
  • ACT, Assertive Community Treatment; HOPWA, Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS; ICM, Intensive Case Management.