Table 2

Estimates of OLS regression for having a cadre child on health: full sample

Self-reported healthADL limitations
Coefficient (95% CI)Coefficient (95% CI)
Having a cadre child (yes=1)0.1347*** (0.067 to 0.202)−0.1289*** (−0.216 to −0.042)
Local elite0.1848*** (0.114 to 0.255)−0.0040 (−0.091 to 0.083)
Female (yes=1)0.0288* (−0.002 to 0.060)0.0186 (−0.021 to 0.059)
Age in years0.0087 (−0.005 to 0.022)−0.1689*** (−0.187 to −0.151)
Age square−0.0001** (−0.000 to −0.000)0.0016*** (0.001 to 0.002)
Unmarried (yes=1)−0.1074 (−0.264 to 0.049)0.1538 (−0.041 to 0.348)
Divorced (yes=1)0.0224 (−0.104 to 0.149)−0.0053 (−0.167 to 0.156)
Widowed (yes=1)0.1057*** (0.057 to 0.155)−0.0682** (−0.134 to −0.002)
Education in years0.0123*** (0.008 to 0.016)−0.0157*** (−0.021 to −0.010)
The number of chronic diseases−0.2217*** (−0.232 to −0.211)0.1366*** (0.123 to 0.150)
Depression−0.0813*** (−0.089 to −0.074)0.0257*** (0.016 to 0.036)
Log of financial assets0.0126*** (0.010 to 0.015)−0.0151*** (−0.018 to −0.012)
The number of living children−0.0023 (−0.014 to 0.010)−0.0137* (−0.029 to 0.002)
Money from children0.0210 (−0.014 to 0.056)0.0273 (−0.021 to 0.075)
Living in plain area (yes=1)0.0042 (−0.014 to 0.022)−0.0125 (−0.036 to 0.011)
Paved road (yes=1)−0.0072 (−0.029 to 0.015)0.0061 (−0.023 to 0.035)
Rural (yes=1)−0.1175*** (−0.158 to −0.077)0.0657** (0.013 to 0.118)
Constant3.2579*** (2.836 to 3.680)4.5044*** (3.941 to 5.067)
Province dummiesYesYes
Observations12 54016 131
  • 95% CI shown in parentheses.

  • ***P<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1.

  • OLS, Ordinary Least Squares.