Date | First author (reference) | Exposure | Outcome | Treated unit(s) | Donor pool |
Health finance and health systems reform | |||||
2016 | Ryan4 | Pay for performance | Mortality | UK | Other high-income countries |
2015 | Mas (unpublished) | Healthcare integration | Healthcare efficiency measures | Spanish integrated healthcare unit | Spanish non-integrated healthcare units |
2015 | Lepine5 | User fee removal | Healthcare utilisation | Treated Zambian regions | Untreated Zambian regions |
2015 | Kreif6 | Pay for performance | Risk adjusted mortality | Treated UK hospitals | Untreated UK hospitals |
2015 | Machado7 | Levels of health insurance | Infertility levels | States with strong infertility mandates | States with weak infertility mandates |
2015 | Roy8 | Health reform | Sources of health insurance | Insured Massachusetts Population | Uninsured Massachusetts population |
2014 | Courtemanche9 | Levels of health insurance | Self-reported health | Massachusetts | Untreated US states |
2014 | Dunn10 | Health reform | Physician payments | Massachusetts | Untreated US states |
2014 | Tuzemen11 | Health reform | Non-insurance rate | Massachusetts | Untreated US states |
2013 | Lo12 | Income levels | Substitution of public/private insurance | Illinois | Untreated US states |
Industry regulation | |||||
2016 | Quast13 | Registration of sex workers | Incidence of sexually transmitted disease | Tijuana, Mexico | Untreated Mexican regions |
2015 | Restrepo14 | Trans fat ban | Heart disease mortality | Treated counties in New York | Untreated counties in New York |
2014 | Sampaio15 | Mobile phone ban | Road accidents | New York state | Untreated US states |
2014 | Restrepo16 | Trans fat ban | Heart disease mortality | Denmark | Other OECD countries |
2014 | Green17 | Alcohol licencing hours | Road accidents | England and Wales | Scottish regions |
2014 | Wang18 | Pasteurisation of milk | Child mortality | Treated US cities | Untreated US cities |
2014 | Cunningham19 | Decriminalisation of indoor prostitution | Incidence of sexually transmitted disease | Rhode Island, USA | Untreated US states/cities |
Taxation policy | |||||
2016 | Berardi20 | Tax on sugary drinks | Price of affected drink categories | Prices of sugary drinks in France | Other drink categories in France |
2016 | Grogger21 | Tax on sugary drinks | Price of other drink categories | Prices of sugary drinks in Mexico | Other drink categories in Mexico |
2016 | Chelwa22 | Tax on cigarettes | Cigarette sales | South Africa | Untreated low-income and middle-income countries |
2015 | Bilgel23 | Tax breaks for organ donors | Live organ donations | New York State | Untreated US states |
2015 | Fletcher24 | Tax on sugary drinks | Changes in BMI | Arkansas, Ohio | Untreated US states |
2010 | Abadie2 | Tax on cigarettes | Cigarette sales | California | Untreated US states |
Legal changes | |||||
2015 | Zabinski25 | Medical malpractice liability | Patient safety measures | Texas, Florida, Illinois, South Carolina, Georgia | Untreated US states |
2015 | Crifasi26 | Hand gun laws | Suicide rates | Connecticut, Missouri | Untreated US states |
2015 | Cunningham27 | Drug laws | Drug seizures | Mississippi | Untreated US states |
2015 | Powell28 | Legalisation of marijuana | Overdoses from painkillers | US states with medical marijuana law | US states without medical marijuana law |
Development and barriers to development | |||||
2015 | Alavuotunki29 | General Budget Support (GBS) | Neonatal mortality | Countries in receipt of GBS | Countries from the region of the treated country not in receipt of GBS |
2015 | Karlsson30 | HIV prevalence | Demographic outcomes | Countries in Africa with high HIV prevalence | Countries in Africa with low HIV prevalence |
2014 | Pereda31 | Climate change | Dengue risk | Brazilian cities with high dengue risk | Brazilian cities with low dengue risk |
2014 | Peiters32 | Political transition | Child mortality | Countries which became democratic | Countries that remained autocratic |
Nutrition interventions | |||||
2015 | Qian33 | School food programme | BMI | Treated schools in Arkansas, US | Untreated schools in Arkansas, USA |
2014 | Bauhoff34 | School food programme | BMI | Treated school districts in California, US | Untreated school district in California, USA |
2013 | Kiesel35 | Better food labelling | Product sales | Treated US supermarkets | Untreated US supermarkets |
Welfare reforms | |||||
2016 | Chung36 | Money transfer | Birth weights | Alaska | Untreated US states |
2016 | Oloomi37 | Paid family leave | Infant health outcomes | California | Untreated US states |
2016 | Basu38 | Welfare reforms | Healthcare utilisation | Single mothers in the USA | Married mothers and single women in the USA |
2015 | Grossman39 | Urban empowerment zones (UEZs) | Fertility and mental health outcomes | UEZ in Chicago, New York and Philadephia | Unsuccessful applicants for UEZ status in US cities |
BMI, body mass index; OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.