Table 2

Prevalence differences (PD and 95% CIs) between poor and not poor in two fixed and time-varying indicators for three health outcomes according to age and socioeconomic group in five Swedish cohorts from 1968 to 2011

Teeth not in good conditionsPsychological distressMusculoskeletal pain
PD (%)95% CIPD (%)(95% CI)PD (%)(95% CI)
Fixed indicator: never poor versus poor at least once in life
15–24 years5.71.3 to to 5.92.2−0.1 to 4.5
25–34 years11.16.5 to to to 8.1
35–44 years11.77.6 to to to 10.4
45–54 years12.68.7 to to  10.413.010.0 to 16.1
55–64 years6.33.3 to to 10.910.87.5 to 14.1
65–74 years3.70.9 to to to 13.3
75–85 years5.82.6 to to to 15.4
>85 years4.4−1.3 to 10.19.5−1.0 to 26.55.3−8.8 to19.4
P value*0.110.15<0.01
Time-varying indicator: not poor versus currently poor
15–24 years−0.1−3.3 to to 4.60.7−1.6 to  3.1
25–34 years8.84.7 to to to 12.1
35–44 years6.72.6 to 10.911.67.1 to to 14.1
45–54 years4.6−0.3 to 9.511.96.3 to 17.517.010.6 to 23.4
55–64 years1.5−3.6 to 6.614.98.9 to to 18.5
65–74 years1.3−4.7 to 7.410.93.8 to 17.914.66.7 to 22.5
75–85 years2.8−5.0 to 10.610.70.7 to 20.712.72.5 to 22.9
>85 years0.1−16.3 to 16.5−2.4−25.0 to 20.36.5−16.7 to 29.7
P value*0.03<0.01<0.01
  • Note: results controlled for sex, birth cohort (five groups) and period effect in 2010.

  • *Chunk χ2 test that all coefficients are equal (interaction of age and poverty).