Table 2

Odds of being in fine health according to living arrangement with an older generation, selected samples of Russian men by living arrangement at first observation, 1994–2015

Model 3: fixed-effects, men NOT living in ILA at startModel 4: fixed-effects, men living in ILA at start
OR95% CIOR95% CI
Not living in ILA1Stopped living in ILA0.37(0.28 to 0.50)
Started living with older generation in poor health0.64(0.44 to 0.93)Continued living with older generation in poor health0.49(0.38 to 0.63)
Started living with older generation in fine health1.25(0.81 to 1.94)Continued living with older generation in fine health1
Person-years (n) and men (n)20 11222574926551
  • ORs are adjusted for age, education, economic activity and living with a partner. Source: authors’ own calculations based on the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, 1994–2015.

  • ILA, i ntergenerational living arrangement .