Table 3

The association between changes in economic insecurity (using financial strain) and metabolic, inflammatory, liver and kidney function biomarkers in Understanding Society

Total cholesterolHDL-cholesterolTriglyceridesHbA1cCRPFibrinogenGGTCreatinineUrea
[95% CI][95% CI][95% CI][95% CI][95% CI][95% CI][95% CI][95% CI][95% CI]
Model 1
 Increased insecurity†0.9990.942***1.099**1.0101.180***1.0201.0611.0000.996
[0.980 to 1.019][0.916 to 0.968][1.039 to 1.163][0.996 to 1.024][1.071 to 1.300][0.999 to 1.042][0.991 to 1.135][0.985 to 1.016][0.975 to 1.018]
 Decreased insecurity1.0040.959**1.074*1.020*1.0941.025*1.0500.9880.987
[0.984 to 1.024][0.933 to 0.987][1.016 to 1.136][1.004 to 1.036][0.992 to 1.207][1.004 to 1.047][0.985 to 1.119][0.971 to 1.005][0.964 to 1.010]
 Remained insecure1.0010.916***1.111***1.048***1.308***1.053***1.131***0.986*0.959***
[0.987 to 1.015][0.898 to 0.934][1.070 to 1.153][1.035 to 1.061][1.226 to 1.395][1.039 to 1.068][1.080 to 1.184][0.974 to 0.997][0.942 to 0.977]
Model 2
 Increased insecurity†1.0000.947***1.086**1.0051.139**1.0141.0371.0041.000
[0.981 to 1.019][0.921 to 0.974][1.027 to 1.149][0.992 to 1.019][1.034 to 1.256][0.993 to 1.036][0.972 to 1.107][0.988 to 1.019][0.979 to 1.022]
 Decreased insecurity1.0040.967*1.0571.0131.0401.0181.0190.9930.993
[0.985 to 1.024][0.940 to 0.995][0.999 to 1.118][0.997 to 1.030][0.941 to 1.150][0.996 to 1.039][0.954 to 1.088][0.976 to 1.010][0.970 to 1.018]
 Remained insecure1.0040.928***1.079***1.037***1.208***1.039***1.071**0.9940.974**
[0.990 to 1.018][0.910 to 0.947][1.038 to 1.122][1.024 to 1.049][1.126 to 1.296][1.024 to 1.054][1.021 to 1.124][0.982 to 1.006][0.957 to 0.991]
Model 3
 Increased insecurity†1.0000.950***1.088**1.0051.130*1.0101.0341.0071.004
[0.981 to 1.020][0.924 to 0.977][1.028 to 1.151][0.992 to 1.019][1.024 to 1.247][0.989 to 1.032][0.968 to 1.104][0.992 to 1.022][0.983 to 1.026]
 Decreased insecurity1.0050.971*1.059*1.0131.0301.0131.0150.9970.998
[0.985 to 1.026][0.944 to 1.000][1.001 to 1.120][0.997 to 1.030][0.931 to 1.139][0.991 to 1.035][0.950 to 1.085][0.980 to 1.014][0.975 to 1.023]
 Remained insecure1.0050.934***1.083***1.037***1.194***1.032***1.065*1.0000.981*
[0.990 to 1.020][0.914 to 0.954][1.039 to 1.128][1.024 to 1.050][1.109 to 1.285][1.017 to 1.048][1.014 to 1.118][0.988 to 1.013][0.963 to 0.999]
Model 4
 Increased insecurity†1.0010.955**1.078**1.0011.114*1.0081.0171.0071.005
[0.982 to 1.021][0.929 to 0.982][1.019 to 1.140][0.987 to 1.014][1.011 to 1.226][0.987 to 1.029][0.954 to 1.085][0.992 to 1.023][0.983 to 1.027]
 Decreased insecurity1.0060.9751.0511.0091.0151.0101.0030.9970.999
[0.986 to 1.027][0.948 to 1.003][0.994 to 1.112][0.993 to 1.025][0.919 to 1.120][0.989 to 1.032][0.940 to 1.071][0.980 to 1.014][0.975 to 1.023]
 Remained insecure1.0070.944***1.060**1.026***1.147***1.025**1.0281.0010.983
[0.992 to 1.023][0.924 to 0.964][1.017 to 1.105][1.014 to 1.038][1.065 to 1.236][1.010 to 1.041][0.978 to 1.080][0.988 to 1.013][0.965 to 1.001]
Model 5
 Increased insecurity†1.0010.955**1.077**1.0011.114*1.0081.0171.0071.005
[0.982 to 1.021][0.929 to 0.982][1.018 to 1.139][0.987 to 1.014][1.012 to 1.227][0.987 to 1.029][0.953 to 1.084][0.992 to 1.023][0.983 to 1.027]
 Decreased insecurity1.0050.9761.0451.0091.0171.0101.0000.9971.000
[0.985 to 1.026][0.948 to 1.004][0.988 to 1.106][0.993 to 1.026][0.922 to 1.123][0.989 to 1.032][0.937 to 1.067][0.980 to 1.014][0.977 to 1.025]
 Remained insecure1.0060.945***1.052*1.026***1.152***1.026**1.0231.0000.984
[0.991 to 1.022][0.925 to 0.965][1.009 to 1.097][1.014 to 1.039][1.068 to 1.242][1.010 to 1.042][0.973 to 1.075][0.987 to 1.013][0.966 to 1.003]
  • Linear regression models calculated using logged dependent variables, with exponentiated coefficients shown. 95% CIs in brackets.

  • Model 1: adjusted for age and sex; model 2: model 1 + education level, marital status, employment status, social class; model 3: model 2 + household income quintile; model 4: model 3 + limiting long-standing illness, self-reported health; model 5: model 4 + GHQ caseness.

  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.

  • †Reference is economically secure at both time points.

  • CRP, C reactive protein; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; GHQ, General Health Questionnaire; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin.