Variable | Mean | S.D. |
Total number of employees | 8.90 | 14.62 |
Number of permanent employees | 4.58 | 5.14 |
Number of temporary employees | 4.32 | 12.77 |
Won contract in the past 6 months | 0.53 | 0.50 |
Value of contracts won in the past 6 months ($) | 25 366 | 79 226 |
Number of clients | 6.74 | 15.81 |
Revenue in last month ($) | 24 922 | 66 799 |
These summary statistics are compiled using the last pre-Ebola observation for each of the 337 firms in the final data set. Note, the variables that we do not use as outcomes are missing for many firms at baseline (eg, only 65/337 firms report sales).