Table 1

Study sample demographics

Total LTLAs326
LTLAs with policy data319
Baseline 2007/2008 policy
 No CIZ/new premises licensing policy201 (63%)
 CIZ or new premises licensing policy94 (29%)
 CIZ and new premises licensing policy24 (8%)
Total ‘cumulative’ policy
 None138 (43%)
 Low68 (21%)
 Medium61 (19%)
 High52 (16%)
Proportion LTLA population in most deprived group
 Quintile 1<11% most deprived group64
 Quintile 211–15%64
 Quintile 315–20%63
 Quintile 420–26%64
 Quintile 5>26% most deprived group64
Alcohol-related recorded crimes (persons, all ages); crude rate per 1000
 Quintile 1<4.2 per 100064
 Quintile 24.2–5.465
 Quintile 35.4–6.962
 Quintile 46.9–8.764
 Quintile 5>8.7 per 100064
Age-standardised rate of unique alcohol-related (narrow24) hospital episode statistics
 Quintile 177.5–119.264
 Quintile 2119.2–141.964
 Quintile 3141.9–158.363
 Quintile 4158.3–184.564
 Quintile 5184.5–369.064
  • CIZ, cumulative impact zone; LTLA, lower tier local authority.