Table 3

Women's group attendance by socioeconomic and sociodemographic position (%) per trial and intervention year

Mumbai, urban India trial1st Bangladesh trial2nd Bangladesh trialRural India trialNepal-Makwanpur trialNepal-Dhanusha trialMalawi trial
TrialYears 1–3Years 1–3Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 1Year 2Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4
Maternal education, years schooling
Never went to school133338401336553837910131448525960
 1–4 233537431734603939911151653545758
Household economic status
 Next poor2330353814395839411111131451545756
 Next rich132834412033524539810161651545458
Maternal age, years
 First pregnancy122325309254135327710841312825
 Not first pregnancy2334394115405940381112161753586163
  • Attendance (%) gives the percentage of women who had attended a women's group among those who recently delivered a baby.

  • Definition of intervention years per trial: Mumbai trial: Years 1–3: October 2006–September 2009. First Bangladesh trial: Years 1–3: February 2005–December 2007. Second Bangladesh trial: Year 1: January 2009–December 2009; Year 2: January 2010–December 2010; Year 3: January 2011–June 2011. Rural India trial: Year 1: August 2005–July 2006; Year 2: August 2006–July 2007; Year 3: August 2007–July 2008. Nepal-Makwanpur trial: Year 1: November 2001–October 2002; Year 2: November 2002–October 2003. Nepal-Dhanusha trial: Year 1: 14 April 2007–12 April 2008; Year 2: 13 April 2008–13 April 2009; Year 3: 14 April 2009–13 April 2010; Year 4: 14 April 2010–13 April 2011. Malawi trial: Year 1: May 2005–January 2006; Year 2: February 2006–January 2007; Year 3: February 2007–January 2008; Year 4: February 2008–January 2009. Year 1 includes 9 month run-in period in which the groups were formed but not all were fully established. These 9 months were excluded from the original trial paper. These 9 months were included in our analysis as several other sites also experienced some set-up issues in their first year, with late start or disruptions of women's groups in some clusters.