Table 2

Characteristics of study participants by health literacy decline, the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, 2004–2011 (n=4368)

 Health literacy decline
Yes (n=814; 19%)No (n=3554; 81%)p Value
 Mean (SD)66.97 (8.99)64.03 (8.09)
 Male369 (19%)1549 (81%)
 Female445 (18%)2005 (82%)
 White797 (18%)3513 (82%)
 Non-white17 (30%)39 (70%)
Educational attainment<0.0001
 Degree or equivalent149 (14%)925 (86%)
 Up to degree level330 (17%)1656 (83%)
 No qualification334 (26%)973 (74%)
Non non-pension wealth quintile<0.0001
 1 (poorest)155 (24%)501 (76%)
 2154 (19%)653 (81%)
 3180 (20%)703 (80%)
 4155 (16%)808 (84%)
 5 (richest)170 (16%)889 (84%)
Limiting long-standing illness0.17
 No366 (18%)1692 (82%)
 Yes448 (19%)1862 (81%)
IADL limitation over study follow-up<0.0001
 No542 (17%)2649 (83%)
 Yes272 (23%)905 (77%)
Baseline health literacy<0.0001
 Adequate656 (21%)2531 (79%)
 Limited158 (13%)1023 (87%)
Baseline memory (range: 4–27)<0.0001
 Mean (SD)15.45 (3.83)16.93 (3.62)
Baseline executive function (range: 5–23)<0.0001
 Mean (SD)12.80 (3.12)13.92 (3.04)
Memory decline<0.0001
 No488 (17%)2429 (83%)
 Yes379 (22%)1313 (78%)
Executive function decline<0.0001
 No521 (17%)2616 (83%)
 Yes346 (24%)1126 (76%)
  • IADL, instrumental activity of daily living.