Table 1

Demographic characteristics of clients and their children, by loan cycles completed

Overall0 loan cycles1 loan cycle2 loan cycles3+ loan cyclesp Value
Characteristics of adult clients
 N (%)511 (100)112 (22)108 (21)120 (24)171 (33)
 Female gender, N (%)436 (85)101 (90)93 (86)104 (87)138 (81)0.14
 Age in years (mean±SD)32±0.332±0.631±0.533±0.633.2±0.5<0.01
 Education, N (%)
  Primary or less82 (17)12 (11)17 (16)27 (23)26 (15)0.13
  Incomplete secondary149 (29)29 (35)29 (27)36 (30)45 (27)0.28
  Complete secondary150 (29)36 (32)29 (27)29 (24)55 (32)0.19
  Postsecondary130 (25)25 (22)33 (31)28 (23)44 (26)0.35
 Married, N (%)462 (90)101 (90)97 (90)110 (92)154 (90)0.82
Socioeconomic characteristics
 Household assets, PCa (mean±SD)−0.2±0.07−0.3±0.1−0.2±0.1−0.4±0.10.1±0.10.01
Client information
 Length of participation in loan cycles (median (IQR))2 (1–3)
 Length of participation in loan cycles (mean±SD)2.2±2
Characteristics of client children
 N (%)596 (100)135 (23)125 (21)143 (24)193 (32)
  First-born child511 (86)112 (83) 108 (86)120 (84)171 (89)
  Female gender289 (48)65 (49)64 (52)72 (53)88 (47)0.74
  Age in years
   0 to <2202 (34)55 (41)36 (29)48 (33)63 (33)0.22
   2 to 5394 (66)80 (59)89 (71)95 (66)130 (67)0.22
  • p Values correspond to χ2 tests for categorical/binary variables, and analysis of variance for continuous variables.

  • PCa, principal components.