Table 3

Distribution of class membership per educational or employment status (expected numbers and percentages across classes)

High-stableDecreasingModerate-stableModerate-highModerate-lowLow-stableχ2*dfp Value**
Total problems11.7530.01
 School/work+BEL248 (15.9)230 (14.8)581 (37.4)495 (31.9)
 Work-BEL/NEET34 (27.8)15 (12.1)42 (34.6)31 (25.4)
Externalising problems10.9340.03
 School/work+BEL280 (18.0)128 (8.2)x561 (36.1)479 (30.8)106 (6.8)
 Work-BEL/NEET35 (28.9)9.2 (7.5)x45 (36.9)26 (21.6)6 (5.1)
Internalising problems6.6440.16
 School/work+BEL117 (7.5)543 (34.9)543 (34.9)324 (20.8)424 (27.3)
 Work-BEL/NEET16 (13.1)45 (36.9)45 (36.9)26 (21.2)27 (22.4)
Attention problems1.1320.57
 School/work+BEL231 (14.9)x1007 (64.8)316 (20.4)
 Work-BEL/NEET22 (17.7)x79 (64.8)21 (17.5)
  • * X2 test were performed to test for differences between distribution of class membership.

  • ** significant values are indicated in bold.

  • BEL, basic educational level; NEET, Neither Employment, Education nor Training.