Table 1

Life expectancies (LE) and disability-free life expectancies (DFLE) for women and men at birth and age 85 in 1991 and 2001: mean, CI and ranges expressed as percentiles of local authority areas

 CI(79.0 to 79.2)(6.2 to 6.3)(63.5 to 64.0)(1.4 to 1.5)(80.7 to 80.9)(6.4 to 6.5)(64.1 to 64.7)(1.4 to 1.5)
 % change compared with 1991*−0.7
 10–90% range3.
 CI(73.5 to 73.9)(4.9 to 5.0)(60.5 to 61.1)(1.6 to 1.6)(76.0 to 76.4)(5.3 to 5.4)(61.6 to 62.3)(1.6 to 1.6)
 % change compared with 1991*
 10–90% range4.
  • *% change not always apparent from data shown due to rounding.

  • †Percentile values for distribution of LAs.

  • LAs, local areas.