Table 4

OR of being a self-identified ‘lifetime abstainer’ (n) and changes in long-standing illness since age 26, adjusted for all variables in the model taken at the corresponding age of analyses, The British Cohort Study 1970

At age 30 (N=6834)At age 34 (N=5986)
n=108OR95% CIn=110OR95% CI
Sex (female) 641.02(0.69 to 1.52) 701.32(0.88 to 1.97)
Long-standing illness since age 26
 Never had a long-standing illness641521
 Had a long-standing illness but not currently112.07*(1.08 to 3.98)202.02**(1.20 to 3.42)
 Currently has a long-standing illness141.29(0.72 to 2.32)191.13(0.66 to 1.93)
 Had a long-standing illness in all time sweeps192.11**(1.24 to 3.57)192.80***(1.62 to 4.84)
Malaise Inventory score at age (high)161.18(0.68 to 2.06)211.27(0.77 to 2.08)
Highest qualification
 Other490.60*(0.36 to 0.98)570.95(0.60 to 1.49)
 No qualifications330.92(0.53 to 1.59)230.94(0.54 to 1.65)
Marital status
 Married591.06(0.68 to 1.65)730.83(0.52 to 1.33)
 Separated/widowed/divorced50.70(0.27 to 1.79)40.73(0.25 to 2.10)
Children under 16 in the household (yes)641.89**(1.21 to 2.97)681.04(0.66 to 1.64)