Level | Practical applications—examples from CIH |
Individual (intrapersonal) | ▸ Distributing health-related messages through various channels; ▸ Distributing tools for a healthy lifestyle including salt spoons and oil pots; ▸ Providing free disease screening and risk assessment for cardiovascular disease; ▸ Providing physical fitness testing; |
Social environment (interpersonal) | ▸ Encouraging health professionals to screen and give prescription for health; ▸ Starting a walking club; ▸ Increasing positive interaction between parents and children to promote healthy lifestyle; |
Physical environment | ▸ Implementing a smoke-free worksite initiative; ▸ Implementing and enforcing smoking bans and restrictions in public areas; ▸ Using point-of-decision prompts to increase stair use; ▸ Organising work-break exercises, sports competitions, mountain-climbing events and sports interest groups; ▸ Building walking trails with stone distance markers along the canal and in the community park; ▸ Building health theme parks; ▸ Initiation of a public bicycle service system; ▸ Healthy cooking intervention in restaurants and workplace cafeteria; ▸ Making health-related or calorie information of foods available to consumers; |
Policy environment | ▸ Smoke control ordinance in public places of Hangzhou; ▸ Policy and planning for healthy city movement and enhancing public transportation. |
CIH, Community Interventions for Health.