TableĀ 2

Proportion of missed appointments overall and in the different types of consultations by study arm status

Type of appointmentTotalIntervention group (SMS)Control groupp Value
n%n%95% CIn%95% CI
All appointments in the clinic99110046216.413.1 to 19.852920.016.6 to 23.40.146
Primary care61662.029519.014.5 to 23.532120.616.1 to 25.00.624
Gynaecology20320.49312.96.0 to 19.811020.913.2 to 28.60.132
Mental health16516.6729.72.7 to 16.79316.18.5 to 23.70.230
  • The addition of percentages is <100% because the information on the type of appointment is missing in seven cases.

  • SMS, short message service.