Table 3

Association between the human sex ratio at birth and prevalence of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB): African analysis

QuartilePrevalence range (n)Unadjusted model sex ratio at birth (95% CI)Adjusted model* sex ratio at birth (95% CI)
HIV/AIDS prevalence (%)1st≤0.9 (13)ReferenceReference
2nd1.0–2.5 (13)−0.003 (−0.011 to +0.005), p=0.410.000 (−0.008 to +0.009), p=0.96
3rd2.6–5.3 (11)−0.006 (−0.014 to +0.003), p=0.17+0.001 (−0.009 to +0.011), p=0.84
4th≥5.4 (12)−0.013 (−0.022 to −0.005), p=0.002−0.009 (−0.018 to −0.000), p=0.04
TB prevalence (per 100 000)1st≤191 (14)ReferenceReference
2nd192–397 (13)−0.012 (−0.019 to −0.004), p=0.003−0.005 (−0.013 to +0.003), p=0.25
3rd398–562 (13)−0.009 (−0.016 to −0.001), p=0.025−0.001 (−0.009 to +0.008), p=0.84
4th≥563 (13)−0.012 (−0.020 to −0.005), p=0.002−0.009 (−0.017 to −0.002), p=0.013
  • Four values missing for HIV/AIDS, one for Gross National Product (GNP) and two for malnutrition prevalence. First quartile was used as reference category.

  • * Model adjusted for GNP, latitude and malnutrition prevalence in quartiles.

  • n, Number of countries per category.