Table 3

Association between CAG status and FSWs' acquisition of social entitlements in the year preceding the survey in five districts of Andhra Pradesh, Behavioural Tracking Survey, 2010–2011

Type of social entitlementNumber of PSUs with an identified need for the social entitlementNumber of CAGsNumber of FSWs registered in the HIV prevention programme by CAG statusNumber of FSWs linked to social entitlements in the last 1 year by CAG statusMean number of FSWs per PSU who received social entitlements in the last yearResults from the multiple linear regression analyses
Non-active CAGsActive CAGsNon-active CAGsActive CAGsNon-active CAGsActive CAGsNon-active CAGsActive CAGsConstant termAdjusted* regression coefficient (β) for CAG status (SE)p Values
Ration card801763454315 4361178126.812.84.56.2 (1.7)<0.01
Voter identity card591247291212 20012655810.511.91.60.7 (2.4)0.76
Bank account40112925506187652695. (1.6)0.05
Admission of children into free educational system3462812436142552929. (2.7)0.65
Health insurance3062415295585423167. (2.4)0.02
Other2910192273429211017611.09.3−0.40−3.2 (3.1)0.31
  • Other refers to housing pattas (certificates) and cooking gas connections. Active CAG: at least one individual or cell/group or committee assigned to work for the particular social entitlement; non-active CAG: no individual or cell/group or committee assigned to work for the particular social entitlement.

  • * Adjusted for the registered number of FSWs in the PSU using linear multivariate regression. Separate linear regression models were estimated for each of the social entitlements.

  • CAG, community action group; FSW, female sex worker; PSU, primary sampling unit.