Table 3

Mortality ratios of all-cause mortality for income quintiles adjusted for age, education, socioeconomic status, economic activity and living alone in 1988–1991, 1996–1999 and 2004–2007, men aged 35–64 years

Income quintileModel 1: age + income95% CIModel 2: M1 + EDU + SESModel 3: M2 + ECONModel 4: M3+ ALONE95% CIChange in excess mortality from M1 to M4, % *
1. Period 1988–19911. Quintile (high)1.00
2. Quintile1.281.22 to 1.351. to 1.10−85
3. Quintile1.511.43 to 1.581.320.991.050.99 to 1.10−91
4. Quintile1.881.79 to 1.971.641.061.111.05 to 1.17−87
5. Quintile (low)2.802.68 to 2.932.481.401.321.26 to 1.40−82
2. Period 1996–19991. Quintile (high)1.00
2. Quintile1.341.26 to 1.411.150.971.020.97 to 1.08−93
3. Quintile1.681.59 to 1.771.390.991.050.99 to 1.12−92
4. Quintile2.172.06 to 2.281.771.121.151.09 to 1.22−87
5. Quintile (low)3.733.55 to 3.913.151.701.511.43 to 1.60−81
3. Period 2004–20071. Quintile (high)1.00
2. Quintile1.321.24 to 1.401. to 1.14−78
3. Quintile1.831.73 to 1.941.561.151.221.15 to 1.29−74
4. Quintile2.472.34 to 2.612. to 1.37−80
5. Quintile (low)5.164.91 to 5.414.362.021.731.63 to 1.83−82
  • * Change in excess mortality is calculated as follows: ((RR in M4 − RR in M1))/((RR in M1) − 1)×100.

  • ALONE, living alone; ECON, economic activity; EDU, education; SES: occupational social class.