Table 3

Dose–response relation for sports, fruit intake and need for recovery among yoga and workout subgroups for both complete cases and imputed data for missing values analyses

GroupComplete cases analysesImputed data for missing values analyses
No group sessions (nyoga=63; nworkout=79)Low compliance (nyoga=110; nworkout=108)High compliance (nyoga=120; nworkout=106)No group sessions (nyoga=108; nworkout=133)Low compliance (nyoga=135; nworkout=126)High compliance (nyoga=124; nworkout=108)
β (95% CI)β (95% CI)β (95% CI)β (95% CI)β (95% CI)β (95% CI)
Sport (min/week)
 Yoga36.7 (−8.7 to 82.0)32.2 (−5.0 to 69.4) 49.6 (13.9 to 85.2) * 25.9 (−14.2 to 66.0)30.5 (−5.8 to 66.8) 42.3 (7.6 to 76.9) *
 Workout16.2 (−25.1 to 57.4)25.0 (−12.6 to 62.6) 72.9 (36.1 to 109.8) * 16.0 (−22.3 to 54.4)21.8 (−14.3 to 57.8) 67.4 (31.6 to 103.3) *
Fruit intake (piece/week)
 Yoga1.2 (−2.2 to 4.5)2.3 (−0.5 to 5.0) 3.8 (1.1 to 6.4) * 0.98 (−2.0 to 4.0)1.7 (−0.87 to 4.3) 3.3 (0.68 to 5.9) *
 Workout0.96 (−2.1 to 4.0)2.6 (−0.14 to 5.4) 4.2 (1.5 to 7.0) * 0.67 (−2.1 to 3.4)2.0 (−0.67 to 4.6) 3.8 (1.1 to 6.5) *
Need for recovery
 Yoga−3.3 (−8.2 to 1.6)−3.3 (−7.2 to 0.7)−3.8 (−7.6 to 0.05)−2.4 (−6.9 to 2.0)−2.6 (−6.6 to 1.4)−3.4 (−7.3 to 0.41)
 Workout−4.2 (−8.6 to 0.28)−1.2 (−5.1 to 2.8) −5.3 (−9.3 to −1.3) * −3.0 (−7.2 to 1.2)−0.81 (−4.9 to 3.2) −4.9 (−8.9 to −1.0) *
  • * p<0.05.

  • β, estimated intervention effect from linear regression analysis adjusted for baseline differences on the outcome measure; piece/week, pieces of fruits per week.