Table 1

Characteristics of the study population at baseline 1990, by marital status, gender and age

N%DeathsDeaths/1000 person-years*High education (%)Swiss nationality (%)Religious affiliation § (%)German speaking cantons (%)Employed (%)
45–64-year-old men
 Married608 66082.791 70011.123.279.391.672.093.8
 Widowed12 1421.7342822.516.682.090.670.885.1
 Divorced52 3547.111 68017.021.680.979.671.191.1
 Single62 8178.515 70319.515.081.187.370.786.6
 All735 973100122 51112.422.279.690.471.892.9
45–64-year-old women
 Married560 88173.646 0625.85.487.593.872.144.8
 Widowed64 9408.5924310.23.790.594.069.847.0
 Divorced67 4348.974347.89.089.885.569.579.8
 Single68 4009.083068.713.
 All761 65510071 0456.66.387.592.971.550.8
65–79-year-old men
 Married239 11479.0146 73958.617.394.693.672.7
 Widowed28 7529.521 44383.311.395.393.372.3
 Divorced10 4733.5721573.
 Single24 2428.017 25776.411.694.293.170.9
 All302 581100192 65462.516.294.593.272.5
65–79-year-old women
 Married187 35046.479 21934.43.196.795.472.8
 Widowed146 51736.379 72847.92.495.895.971.1
 Divorced20 8525.210 29142.45.594.289.568.5
 Single48 73012.125 40645.46.990.795.971.8
 All403 449100194 64440.83.495.595.371.8
80+-year-old men
 Married44 69458.542 881171.814.195.694.572.1
 Widowed23 98731.423 409207.010.096.594.673.1
 All76 39110073 722183.712.495.794.472.3
80+-year-old women
 Married24 71015.422 681131.62.297.795.972.2
 Widowed103 06364.397 160156.01.596.496.471.8
 Single26 18916.424 569152.83.992.396.572.8
 All160 193100150 240151.02.195.996.272.0
All age groups, men
 Married892 46880.1281 32025.621.284.292.372.2
 Widowed64 8815.848 28092.311.893.393.372.3
 Divorced64 3235.820 33225.620.582.880.370.9
 Single93 2738.438 95536.613.885.489.370.8
 All1 114 945100388 88729.119.984.891.472.0
All age groups, women
 Married772 94158.3147 96214.24.790.194.372.3
 Widowed314 52023.7186 13158.22.494.995.771.1
 Divorced94 5177.123 55519.07.991.186.869.3
 Single143 31910.858 28134.89.286.893.771.0
 All1 325 297100415 92925.14.990.994.071.6
  • % and n may not add to 100% and total n because of rounding.

  • * Differences between the categories of marital status are statistically significant within each gender and age class. Exceptions: deaths/1000 person-years for 80+-year-old divorced and single men, 80+-year-old widowed, divorced and single women as well as married and divorced men of all age groups.

  • All differences are statistically significant within each gender and age class, as tested by χ2 test.

  • High education refers to tertiary education and graduate school (university).

  • § Religious affiliation (Protestant, Catholic, other religions).