Table 1

Weighted prevalence of frequent symptoms or emergency department visits/hospitalisations by demographic characteristics among 2001 California Health Interview Survey respondents with reported asthma diagnoses, San Joaquin Valley, California

Daily/weekly symptoms*Emergency department visits/hospitalisation
NoPrevalence (%)†NoPrevalence (%)†
All respondents with asthma148725.715029.2
Household federal poverty level‡
Insurance status
 Currently uninsured13327.41356.9
 Uninsured anytime past 12 months7321.97417.6
 Insured all past 12 months128122.6129311.0
Delay in care for asthma§
Current smoking¶
 Currently smoking20635.12076.7
 Quit smoking29429.129710.1
 Never smoked50022.25046.4
  • * Participants were asked in a single question to report the frequency of asthma symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and phlegm production.

  • Percentages are weighted to take unequal probabilities of selection into the California Health Interview Survey sample into account.

  • Percentages were defined using the 2001 federal poverty guidelines ($9044 for one person, $11 559 for a family of two; incomes at 300%+ FPL federal poverty level were three times these amounts).

  • § Individuals who reported delaying or foregoing any medical care they felt they needed (such as seeing a doctor, a specialist, or other health professional) for asthma were assigned a value of 1 for one ‘delay in care for asthma’.

  • Measured in respondents ages 18+.