Table 4 Reported frequency of HIV and sexually transmissible infection tests, by demographic characteristics and community attachment among men who have sex with men (MSM) participating in the Melbourne Gay Community Periodic Survey, 2004–6 (residents of Victoria)
n/n (%)n/n (%)n/n (%)p Value
Sexual health tests in previous 12 months
AllAnal swab457/1753 (26.1)509/1441 (35.3)613/1584 (38.7)<0.01
Throat swab570/1753 (32.5)608/1447 (42.0)6901585 (43.5)<0.01
Penile swab477/1756 (27.2)507/1427 (35.3)546/1568 (34.8)<0.01
Urine sample737/1751 (42.1)737/1459 (50.5)792/1593 (49.7)<0.01
Blood test for HIV1061/1760 (60.3)943/1536 (61.4)1047/1692 (61.9)0.34
Other blood test976/1747 (55.9)840/1455 (57.7)920/1596 (57.6)0.29
Blood test for HIV in previous 12 months
Age group (years)<30366/600 (61.0)313/501 (62.5)402/645 (62.3)0.63
30+641/1076 (59.6)623/1028 (60.6)637/1035 (61.6)0.35
EthnicityAnglo-Australia769/1279 (60.1)714/1177 (60.8)765/1256 (60.9)0.69
European149/236 (63.1)147/219 (67.1)168/250 (67.2)0.35
Other143/245 (58.4)82/140 (58.6)114/186 (61.3)0.55
Community attachment: ‘Proportion of friends who are gay’None/some or a few527/936 (56.3)479/812 (59.0)517/887 (58.3)0.38
Most or all533/823 (64.7)464/724 (64.1)528/801 (65.9)0.63
Community attachment: ‘Proportion of free time spent with MSM’None/a little/some593/1020 (58.1)544/920 (59.1)571/967 (59.1)0.68
A lot468/738 (63.4)399/615 (64.9)473/718 (65.9)0.33