Table 2

Effects of average education in the municipality on individual mortality, according to various models with and without lag, among women and men aged 60–89 in 1981–2002 (ORs with 95% CIs)

Models of type 1
 A: Includes current average education among persons aged 60–89 in the current municipality of residence, individual education and age, period and population size0.940*** (0.928 to 0.952)0.955*** (0.943 to 0.966)
 F: As for A, but average education and population size lagged 10 years0.924*** (0.910 to 0.938)0.938*** (0.925 to 0.952)
 G: As for A, but observation period 1991–20020.951*** (0.936 to 0.966)0.963*** (0.948 to 0.977)
 H: As for A, but observation period 1991–2002 and average education and population size lagged 20 years0.930*** (0.908 to 0.953)0.935*** (0.914 to 0.957)
Models of type 2
 K: Includes current average education among persons aged 60–89 in the current municipality of residence, individual education and age, period and municipality dummies0.946* (0.890 to 1.005)0.686*** (0.648 to 0.725)
 P: As for K, but average education and municipality dummies lagged 10 years0.964 (0.911 to 1.019)0.753*** (0.715 to 0.792)
 Q: As for K, but observation period 1991–20020.868* (0.751 to 1.002)0.692*** (0.603 to 0.795)
 R: As for K, but average education and municipality dummies lagged 20 years and observation period 1991–20020.933 (0.810 to 0.975)0.826** (0.724 to 0.943)
  • *p<0.10; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.