Table 3

Reasons for HPV vaccine decision (percentage of mothers citing each reason, n = 601)

White (n = 149)Indian (n = 130)Pakistani (n = 112)Bangladeshi (n = 45)Caribbean (n = 74)African (n = 61)Chinese (n = 30)
Reasons for accepting
    Protection29 16* 11* 13* 14* 25 30
    Daughter’s health9 6 5 2 16 7 7
    General positive beliefs5 2 3 0770
    Benefits5 3 50370
    There is a necessity2110100
    Peace of mind0010320
Reasons for not accepting
    More information needed16 12 21 44* 18 10 20
    Sex-related reasons2 15* 20* 416510
    Safety/side-effects7 12 6 13553
    Religion/culture5 8 6 0373
    No necessity0852020
    Age-related reasons1214130
    Discuss with family1210020
  • Bold type represents when a 2×2 χ2 was used to analyse the difference in that ethnic group compared with the white British group. Where figures are not in bold type, it was not possible to compute χ2 results because more than 20% of cells in the analysis had a count of less than 5.

  • * p<0.05.