Table 2

Personal and household factors stratified by child’s usual travel mode to school

CharacteristicTravel by motorised mode Percentage (n)Travel by bicycle Percentage (n)Travel on foot Percentage (n)Total sample Percentage (n)
Age tertiles
Lowest tertile (youngest)49.0 (331)10.4 (70)40.7 (275)33.3 (671)
Middle tertile54.4 (362)7.1 (47)38.6 (257)33.3 (670)
Highest tertile (eldest)49.0 (328)10.3 (69)40.7 (273)33.3 (671)
Boys52.1 (468)**13.0 (117)**34.9 (314)**44.7 (899)
Girls49.7 (553)6.2 (69)44.1 (491)55.3(1113)
Parental education
Low49.2 (353)8.4 (60)42.5 (305)39.0 (718)
Mid52.6 (399)9.7 (74)37.7 (286)41.2 (759)
High53.0 (193)9.3 (34)37.6 (137)19.8 (364)
Access to or ownership of a car
No car14.7 (14)**15.8 (15)*69.5 (66)**5.1 (95)
Car53.3 (948)8.5 (152)38.2 (680)94.9 (1780)
Child weight status
Normal50.4 (776)9.0 (138)40.7 (627)77.0 (1541)
Overweight49.9 (173)10.1 (35)40.1 (139)17.4 (347)
Obese58.0 (65)10.7 (12)31.2 (35)5.6 (112)
Urban rural status of home location
Urban43.1 (342)**7.4 (59)**49.5 (393)**39.5 (794)
Town and fringe40.6 (232)12.4 (71)47.0 (269)28.4 (572)
Village69.2 (447)8.7 (56)22.1 (143)32.1 (646)
Mothers transport
No travel50.3 (228)**9.9 (45)**39.7 (180)**26.0 (453)
Motorised to work57.7 (610)7.1 (75)35.2 (372)60.6 (1057)
Active commute to work27.2 (64)15.7 (37)57.0 (134)13.5 (235)
Route length
Less than 1 km18.2 (138)**11.7 (89)**70.1 (533)**37.8 (760)
1– 2 km47.4 (249)12.4 (65)40.2 (211)26.1 (525)
Over 2 km87.2 (634)4.4(32)8.4 (61)36.1 (727)
  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01.