Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of Chilean-Hispanic women from a weighted random sample of 508 women (weighted sample size of 6512 women) of the San Francisco Project study
508 (6512)92 (1172)416 (5340)
General characteristics
Age (years)†39.4 (16.4)29.9 (14.7)40.1 (15.1)*
Education (years)†8.1 (4.1)10.9 (3.5)7.7 (4.1)*
Education <8 years (%)42.313.848.8*
Annual income <$3000 (%)43.845.143.5
Employed (%)22.935.820.1*
Married (%)66.913.778.5*
Cigarettes/day (only smokers)†9.7 (8.9)12.6 (12.2)8.9 (7.8)
Smokers (%)25.325.425.3
Never smoked (%)33.142.530.5*
Smoking cessation (%)41.631.043.9*
Alcohol consumption (%)‡8.512.77.6*
Cardiovascular profile
Heart rate (beats/min)†75.7 (10.9)76.9 (12.1)75.5 (10.6)
Systolic pressure (mm Hg)†126.0 (21.2)120.0 (22.2)127.3 (20.7)
Diastolic pressure (mm Hg)†79.0 (12.1)74.9 (11.9)79.9 (11.9)
Hypertension (%)29.717.032.4*
Metabolic profile
Fasting blood glucose (mg/dl)†95.7 (15.9)88.7 (12.0)97.4 (19.1)
Type 2 diabetes (%)
Dyslipidaemia (%)¶*
Hereditary factors
Obese parents (%)30.225.631.1*
Gynaeco-obstetric profile
Menarche (age)†12.73 (2.24)11.7 (3.7)12.9 (1.6)*
Use of birth control pills (%)9.32.310.8*
Nulliparous (%)17.8
Pregnancies§3.13 (0.04)0.11 (0.01)3.79 (0.04)*
Parity§2.84 (0.04)
Miscarriages§0.50 (0.01)1.18 (0.12)0.44 (0.01)*
Newborn weight (g)†3605 (612)
Fetal macrosomia (%)††20.2
Gestational diabetes (%)
Hypertension during pregnancy (%)*
Menopause status (%)21.38.424.3*
Use of HRT (%)*
WC (cm)†86.8 (13.1)79.7 (12.1)88.3 (12.8)*
HC (cm) †101.3 (11.9)94.7 (11.9)102.8 (11.3)*
WHR†0.85 (0.09)0.85 (0.11)0.86 (0.10)
WHtR†0.56 (0.09)0.51 (0.08)0.57 (0.09)*
Weight (kg) †65.7 (12.7)60.5 (12.4)66.8 (12.5)*
Height (cm) †154.9 (6.2)156.4 (6.2)154.6 (6.2)
BMI (kg/m2) †27.4 (5.2)24.7 (5.0)27.9 (5.1)*
Cut-off points of obesity
BMI ⩾28.4 kg/m2(%)40.320.744.6*
WC ⩾87.7 cm (%)46.630.350.1*
WHR ⩾0.84 (%)52.142.754.1*
WHtR ⩾0.55 (%)49.330.053.4*
  • WC, waist circumference; HC, hip circumference; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio; WHtR, waist-to-height ratio; BMI, body mass index; HRT, postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy.

  • *p<0.001 for difference between parous vs nulliparous women.

  • †Values are means (SD).

  • ‡Heavy drinker.

  • ¶NCEP criteria for lipid profile.29

  • §Values are means (SE).

  • ††Birth weight greater than 4000 g.