Table 1

 Regression coefficients for models predicting standardised rates of poor health in English Lower Super Output Areas

All areasUrban high incomeUrban low incomeSuburban high incomeSuburban low incomeRural high incomeRural low income
βp Valueβp Valueβp Valueβp Valueβp Valueβp Valueβp Value
Greenspace coefficients in bold are those that demonstrate lower rates of poor health associated with higher levels of greenspace. Those in italics demonstrate higher rates of poor health associated with higher levels of greenspace
Greenspace (%) –0.021 <0.000 –0.05 <0.000 –0.02 <0.0000.0140.448 0.044 <0.0000.0320.092 –0.06 0.002
Income deprivation0.243<0.000
Employment deprivation0.495<0.0000.566<0.0000.683<0.0000.535<0.0000.693<0.0000.478<0.0000.558<0.000
Education, skills and training deprivation0.170<0.0000.268<0.0000.22<0.0000.292<0.0000.235<0.0000.276<0.0000.295<0.000
Barriers to housing and services0.0060.0180.024<0.0000.097<0.000–0.09<0.000–0.05<0.000–0.1<0.000–0.07<0.000
No of areas3248213873125121661149018331113