Table 1 Mortality rates in serious road traffic accidents* by year and age group
Type of road user19842004
n† (% died)n† (% died)n† (% died)n† (% died)
Pedestrian14 463 (6.7)4834 (18.2)5865 (6.8)1479 (18.0)
Pedal cyclist6033 (4.5)537 (13.4)2053 (5.0)221 (14.5)
Two-wheeled motor vehicle user19 486 (4.8)420 (7.4)6367 (8.9)191 (8.4)
Car occupant25 165 (6.9)3668 (12.0)13 519 (9.9)2304 (14.4)
Other2718 (6.6)535 (7.9)1187 (9.3)303 (5.9)
All67 865 (6.0)9994 (14.6)28 991 (8.7)4498 (14.7)
  • *Data taken from Road accidents Great Britain 198411 and Road casualties Great Britain 2004.12

  • †Number of casualties killed or seriously injured in the year.