Table 1 Prevalence of drinking and sociodemographic variables at 16 years by sex
%(95% CI)%(95% CI)
Occasions of consuming four or more drinks in a row in the previous 2 weeksn = 2530n = 3479
    Nil64(63 to 66)70(68 to 71)
    115(14 to 17)14 (13 to 16)
    ⩾ 2 (defined as binge drinking)20(19 to 22)16(15 to 17)
Habitual frequency of alcohol consumption in last yearn = 2569n = 3512
    Every day2(1 to 3)1(1 to 2)
    Four or five times per week4(3 to 5)4(3 to 4)
    Two or three times per week20(18 to 21)16(15 to 17)
    About once per week30(28 to 32)28(26 to 29)
    About once per month15(13 to 16)13(12 to 15)
    Special occasions only21(19 to 22)29 (28 to 31)
    Never drink9(8 to 10)9(8 to 10)
Alcohol consumed in the previous week (units)n = 2342n = 3084
    033(31 to 35)40(38 to 41)
    1–427(25 to 29)35(34 to 37)
    5–918(17 to 20)16(15 to 17)
    10–1410(9 to 12)5(5 to 6)
    15 or more12(10 to 13)4(3 to 5)
Father’s social class at 16 yearsn = 3387n = 3783
    I or II36(34 to 37)34(32 to 35)
    III A or B46(45 to 48)48(46 to 49)
    IV or V or others18(17 to 20)19(17 to 20)
Maternal educationn = 3068n = 3455
    Achieved A levels or higher degree22(20 to 23)20(19 to 21)