Table 2

 Deaths prevented or postponed as a result of population risk factor changes in Ireland

Risk factorsRelative changes in risk factor*β regression coefficientsDeaths prevented or postponed
*Ratio of the absolute difference between 1985 and 2000 to the baseline year (1985), and then weighted to age and sex specific populations. †Smoking prevalence: 1985 (33.6%) and 2000 (28.8%). ‡Total mean cholesterol levels: 1985 (6.02 mmol/l) and 2000 (5.73 mmol/l). §Mean diastolic blood pressure levels: 1985 (81 mm Hg) and 2000 (75 mm Hg). ¶No Irish data available, so based on the UK prevalence data. **Obesity prevalence: 1985 (8%) and 2000 (24%). ††Diabetes prevalence: 1985 (1.7%) and 2000 (2.5%). ‡‡3763 is total observed CHD deaths in 2000, and 1810 is the sum of +2327 and −517 deaths.
Positive trends
    Population BP−7.2§1.672286.1
Adverse trends
Relative risk
    Physical inactivity+4.8¶0.50−154−4.1
Total risk factor effects in 20001810/3763‡‡+48.1