Table 1

 Distributions and bivariate associations of walking with demographic, educational, and personal, social and environmental variables

VariablesPercentage% Reporting leisure-time walking% Reporting walking for transport
POS, public open space.
*Within the same cell, proportions walking differ at p<0.05.
†p = 0.05.
    Up to 10 years2061*73†
    12 years/certificate/trade, etc416481
Age (mean (SD) 41.8 (12.6)), years
Environmental variables
    POS density
        Lowest quartile266579
        Second quartile266676
        Third quartile246481
        Highest quartile246779
    Walking track length
        Lowest quartile2858*79
        Second quartile236678
        Third quartile247077
        Highest quartile256980
    Street connectivity
        Lowest quartile256274*
        Second quartile256977
        Third quartile266582
        Highest quartile246682
    Not coastal neighbourhood8663*77*
    Coastal neighbourhood147988
    Neighbourhood aesthetics
    Neighbourhood safety
Social variables
    Family social support
    Friends’ social support
    Club membership2972*77
    No club membership716379
    Not dog owner6061*79
    Dog owner407379
Personal variables