Table 3

 Associations between individual characteristics, neighbourhood SES, convenience store concentration, and number of cigarettes smoked per day, Stanford heart disease prevention programme (1979–1990) (n = 8121)

Standard errors are given in parentheses. *p<0.05; **p<0.01. †Model 1 is a set of random intercept models. Sex, age, race/ethnicity, individual SES, neighbourhood SES, and each convenience store measure was each regressed separately on individual smoking. ‡Model 2 to model 5 are random slope models in which the effect of individual SES was allowed to vary by neighbourhood. §Reference group includes white participants and other racial/ethnic groups. ¶M/L, middle compared with low. ††H/L = high compared with low.
Men0.247** (0.044)0.302** (0.044)0.306** (0.044)0.306** (0.044)0.307** (0.044)0.302** (0.044)0.301** (0.044)0.302** (0.044)0.298** (0.044)0.299** (0.044)0.300** (0.044)
Age−0.002 (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.006** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)−0.005** (0.001)
Hispanic§−0.744** (0.102)−1.081** (0.104)−1.005** (0.103)−0.999** (0.103)−0.982** (0.103)−1.082** (0.104)−1.085** (0.104)−1.064** (0.104)−1.038** (0.105)−1.027** (0.105)−0.991** (0.105)
Individual SES−0.174** (0.027)−0.236** (0.031)−0.287** (0.030)−0.285** (0.030)−0.292** (0.030)−0.236** (0.031)−0.234** (0.031)−0.238** (0.031)−0.088 (0.056)−0.218** (0.044)−0.226** (0.059)
Neighbourhood SES−0.304** (0.039)−0.280** (0.039)−0.279** (0.041)−0.271** (0.040)−0.299** (0.041)−0.169** (0.134)0.068(0.098)−0.242 (0.131)
Convenience store density (M/L)¶0.037(0.088)0.058(0.083)−0.038 (0.078)0.303 (0.192)
Convenience store density (H/L)††0.165* (0.081)0.174* (0.077)−0.005 (0.075)0.370* (0.186)
Distance−0.182** (0.067)−0.154* (0.066)−0.067 (0.064)0.042(0.178)
Number of stores within one mile radius (M/L)0.131* (0.065)0.110(0.063)0.040(0.063)0.023(0.185)
Number of stores within one mile radius (H/L)0.088(0.073)0.053(0.071)−0.096(0.073)−0.294 (0.200)
Neighbourhood SES×individual SES−0.140** (0.041)−0.116** (0.041)−0.102* (0.042)
Convenience store density (M/L)×individual SES−0.171 (0.076)
Convenience store density (H/L)×individual SES−0.174* (0.074)
Distance×individual SES0.017(0.067)
Number of stores within one mile radius (M/L)×individual SES−0.022 (0.073)
Number of stores within one mile radius (H/L)×individual SES0.064(0.079)
Convenience store density (M/L)×neighbourhood SES0.070 (0.115)
Convenience store density (H/L)×neighbourhood SES0.348** (0.111)
Distance×neighbourhood SES−0.316* (0.133)
Number of stores within one mile radius (M/L)×neighbourhood SES0.107(0.103)
Number of stores within one mile radius (H/L)×neighbourhood SES0.243* (0.107)