Table 6

 Discriminative ability of the CHQ-PF28 between a subgroup without parent reported chronic conditions of the child (n = 954), compared with subgroups with parent reported asthma (n = 134), frequent headaches (n = 42), and problems with hearing (n = 38) in the regional sample of schoolchildren

Presence of parent reported chronic conditions in subgroups of the regional sample
No conditionsAsthmaAsthma versus no conditionsHeadachesHeadaches versus no conditionsProblems with hearingProblems with hearing versus no conditions
n = 954 mean (SD)n = 134 mean (SD)Effect size d*n = 42 mean (SD)Effect size d*n = 38 mean (SD)Effect size d*
*Difference of the means divided by SD in the subgroup with a condition31; †p<0.05 (two sided Mann-Whitney U test of differences between the subgroup with a given condition compared with the subgroup with no conditions); ‡p<0.01 (two sided Mann-Whitney U test of differences between the subgroup with a given condition compared with the subgroup with no conditions); §physical and psychosocial CHQ summary measures based on a factor analytical model of a US population sample; a score of 50 represents the mean in the general US population; scores above/below 50 are above/below the average in the US reference population11; ¶indicates a small effect (0.20⩽d<0.50)31; **indicates a medium effect (0.50⩽d<0.80)31; ††indicates a large effect (d⩾0.80).31
CHQ-PF28 scales (range 0–100):
Physical functioning98 (10)90 (15)‡0.55**86 (29)‡0.40¶92 (19)‡0.33¶
Role funct-emo/behave97 (12)94 (18)†0.1889 (23)‡0.34¶89 (22)‡0.36¶
Role function-physical97 (11)91 (19)‡0.34¶90 (21)‡0.36¶88 (22)‡0.43¶
Bodily pain84 (15)73 (22)‡0.49¶64 (21)‡0.92††69 (23)‡0.65**
General behaviour71 (15)68 (18)†0.20¶62 (17)‡0.57**57 (17)‡0.87††
Mental health82 (15)78 (15)‡0.23¶76 (17)†0.34¶74 (15)‡0.51**
Self esteem78 (15)75 (16)0.1672 (14)†0.41¶70 (16)‡0.50**
General health88 (14)69 (22)‡0.85††76 (20)‡0.61**71 (21)‡0.80††
Parental-emotional88 (15)80 (19)‡0.44¶74 (23)‡0.58**69 (24)‡0.79**
Parental-time95 (12)91 (16)‡0.25¶88 (21)‡0.36¶90 (15)†0.32¶
Family activities90 (16)86 (19)‡0.24¶81 (23)‡0.41¶78 (22)‡0.56**
Family cohesion70 (19)67 (20)0.1263 (20)†0.33¶63 (19)†0.36¶
Physical summary§57 (6)50 (10)‡0.72**49 (13)‡0.58**51 (11)‡0.57**
Psychosocial summary§52 (8)51 (9)0.1648 (9)‡0.48¶46 (9)‡0.71**