Table 1B

 Variables used to assess self rated health in Gazel data

*Not self reported.
Early life factors and family history
HeightSelf reported height
Father’s social classINSEE categories to assess socioeconomic position of father; 1 (high) to 8 (low). (;
Myocardial infarction in parentsA three point (0–2) scale assessing whether both parents had myocardial infarction (2), only one (1) or neither (0).
Cancer in parentsA three point (0–2) scale assessing whether both parents were diagnosed with a cancer (2), only one (1) or neither (0).
Chronic disease in siblingsA three point scale (0–2) assessing whether both bother and sister were diagnosed with a cancer (2), only one (1) or neither (0).
IncomeSeven level hierarchic measure assessing the net available monthly household income; 1 = >25000FF and 7 = <7500FF.
EducationSeven level hierarchic measure of educational qualification; 1 = university degree and 7 = primary school level.
Employment gradeINSEE categories to assess own socioeconomic position; 1 (high) to 8 (low). (
Marital statusFour point scale: 1 = married/cohabiting, 2 = single, 3 = divorced/separated and 4 = widowed.
Psychosocial factors
Emotional reactions (NHP)Emotional reactions were measured using the Nottingham health profile (NHP) emotional reactions scale, composed of nine items; higher scores represent greater emotional reactions.32
Social isolation (NHP)Social isolation was measured using the NHP social isolation scale, composed of five items; higher scores represent greater social isolation.32
Network scaleA 15 point scale composed of three items: a measure of the number of friends and relatives seen regularly and the number seen at least once a month; high scores indicate bigger network.
Life eventsNumber of life events in the past year: marriage, divorce/separation, birth/adoption, miscarriage, death of a close relative/friend, hospitalisation, house move, retirement, unemployment of partner/relative/close friend, important change at work, loss or theft of goods, important purchase, change in financial condition.
Support during life eventsAn eight point scale assessing whether the respondent received support in relation to the three major life events; scale from 0 to 21; high scores indicate low support.
Satisfaction with workAn eight point scale assessing whether the respondent was “satisfied with their work overall”; 1 =  very satisfied and 8 = not at all.
Work physically tiringAn eight point scale assessing whether the respondent found their work “physically tiring”; 1 =  not at all and 8 = very tiring.
Work mentally tiringAn eight point scale assessing whether the respondent found their work “mentally tiring”; 1 =  not at all and 8 = very tiring.
Health behaviour
SmokingFive point composed index representing non/former/light/medium/heavy smoker; 1 =  non-smoker and 5 = heavy smoker.
Alcohol consumptionComposed index assessing the units of alcohol consumed in the past week.
Level of physical activityThree point scale assessing low/medium or high level of physical activity; 1 = high and 3 = low level.
Frequency of eating fresh fruitFrequency of eating fresh fruit on a four point scale; 1 = consumed most days and 4 = seldom or never consumed.
Frequency of eating fresh vegetablesFrequency of eating fresh vegetables on a four point scale; 1 = consumed most days and 4 = seldom or never consumed.
Sickness absence*Physician certified number of sick days in the past year recorded for the person by the employer.
Off sick for over a monthResponse to a question asking the individual whether they were off sick from work for over a month at a time; 0 = no and 1 = yes.
Number of health problems in the past yearNumber of health problems in the last year out of a list of 53 possible ailments, categorised in nine subgroups: respiratory diseases cardiovascular diseases, digestive ailments, musculoskeletal diseases, urinary and genital problems, endocrine and metabolic ailments, trouble with sensory organs, psychiatric troubles, and other diseases.
Number of new health problems in the past yearRespondents were asked to indicate the number of new health problems in the past year from a list of 53 possible ailments described above.
Physical mobilityPhysical mobility was measured using the NHP, physical mobility scale, composed of eight items; higher scores indicate greater trouble with physical mobility.32
Number of prescription drugsList, indicating the number of all prescribed drugs currently being used by the participant.
Sleep (NHP)Sleep was measured using the NHP sleep scale, composed of five items; high scores indicate poor sleep quality.32
BMIWeight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres.
Physical illness indicatorComposite indicator of the three diagnosed illnesses (diabetes, heart trouble, hypertension) and respiratory illness measured by MRC chronic bronchitis questionnaire; 0 = no illness and 4 = all 4 illnesses as before.
Physical tirednessAn eight point scale indicating the level of current physical tiredness; 0 = not at all tired and 7 = very tired.