Early life factors and family history
Height | Self reported height |
Father’s social class | INSEE categories to assess socioeconomic position of father; 1 (high) to 8 (low). (http://www.insee.fr/fr/nom_def_met/nomenclatures/prof_cat_soc/html/L03_N1.HTM); |
Myocardial infarction in parents | A three point (0–2) scale assessing whether both parents had myocardial infarction (2), only one (1) or neither (0). |
Cancer in parents | A three point (0–2) scale assessing whether both parents were diagnosed with a cancer (2), only one (1) or neither (0). |
Chronic disease in siblings | A three point scale (0–2) assessing whether both bother and sister were diagnosed with a cancer (2), only one (1) or neither (0). |
Income | Seven level hierarchic measure assessing the net available monthly household income; 1 = >25000FF and 7 = <7500FF. |
Education | Seven level hierarchic measure of educational qualification; 1 = university degree and 7 = primary school level. |
Employment grade | INSEE categories to assess own socioeconomic position; 1 (high) to 8 (low). (http://www.insee.fr/fr/nom_def_met/nomenclatures/prof_cat_soc/html/L03_N1.HTM). |
Marital status | Four point scale: 1 = married/cohabiting, 2 = single, 3 = divorced/separated and 4 = widowed. |
Psychosocial factors
Emotional reactions (NHP) | Emotional reactions were measured using the Nottingham health profile (NHP) emotional reactions scale, composed of nine items; higher scores represent greater emotional reactions.32 |
Social isolation (NHP) | Social isolation was measured using the NHP social isolation scale, composed of five items; higher scores represent greater social isolation.32 |
Network scale | A 15 point scale composed of three items: a measure of the number of friends and relatives seen regularly and the number seen at least once a month; high scores indicate bigger network. |
Life events | Number of life events in the past year: marriage, divorce/separation, birth/adoption, miscarriage, death of a close relative/friend, hospitalisation, house move, retirement, unemployment of partner/relative/close friend, important change at work, loss or theft of goods, important purchase, change in financial condition. |
Support during life events | An eight point scale assessing whether the respondent received support in relation to the three major life events; scale from 0 to 21; high scores indicate low support. |
Satisfaction with work | An eight point scale assessing whether the respondent was “satisfied with their work overall”; 1 = very satisfied and 8 = not at all. |
Work physically tiring | An eight point scale assessing whether the respondent found their work “physically tiring”; 1 = not at all and 8 = very tiring. |
Work mentally tiring | An eight point scale assessing whether the respondent found their work “mentally tiring”; 1 = not at all and 8 = very tiring. |
Health behaviour
Smoking | Five point composed index representing non/former/light/medium/heavy smoker; 1 = non-smoker and 5 = heavy smoker. |
Alcohol consumption | Composed index assessing the units of alcohol consumed in the past week. |
Level of physical activity | Three point scale assessing low/medium or high level of physical activity; 1 = high and 3 = low level. |
Frequency of eating fresh fruit | Frequency of eating fresh fruit on a four point scale; 1 = consumed most days and 4 = seldom or never consumed. |
Frequency of eating fresh vegetables | Frequency of eating fresh vegetables on a four point scale; 1 = consumed most days and 4 = seldom or never consumed. |
Sickness absence* | Physician certified number of sick days in the past year recorded for the person by the employer. |
Off sick for over a month | Response to a question asking the individual whether they were off sick from work for over a month at a time; 0 = no and 1 = yes. |
Number of health problems in the past year | Number of health problems in the last year out of a list of 53 possible ailments, categorised in nine subgroups: respiratory diseases cardiovascular diseases, digestive ailments, musculoskeletal diseases, urinary and genital problems, endocrine and metabolic ailments, trouble with sensory organs, psychiatric troubles, and other diseases. |
Number of new health problems in the past year | Respondents were asked to indicate the number of new health problems in the past year from a list of 53 possible ailments described above. |
Physical mobility | Physical mobility was measured using the NHP, physical mobility scale, composed of eight items; higher scores indicate greater trouble with physical mobility.32 |
Number of prescription drugs | List, indicating the number of all prescribed drugs currently being used by the participant. |
Sleep (NHP) | Sleep was measured using the NHP sleep scale, composed of five items; high scores indicate poor sleep quality.32 |
BMI | Weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres. |
Physical illness indicator | Composite indicator of the three diagnosed illnesses (diabetes, heart trouble, hypertension) and respiratory illness measured by MRC chronic bronchitis questionnaire; 0 = no illness and 4 = all 4 illnesses as before. |
Physical tiredness | An eight point scale indicating the level of current physical tiredness; 0 = not at all tired and 7 = very tired. |