Table 3

 Association between self rated poor health and low childhood and adult socioeconomic position in women. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals

Model 1: childhood SEPModel 2: adult SEPModel 3: mutually adjusted
OR95% CIOR95% CIOR95% CI
Model 1: low childhood SES compared with high childhood SES; model 2: low adulthood SES compared with high adulthood SES; model 3: 1 and 2, mutually adjusted. Figures in bold are significant at the p<0.05 level.
England 1.93 (1.47, 2.54) 1.75 (1.33, 2.32)
1.86 (1.40, 2.47) 1.60 (1.17, 2.18)
France0.91(0.75, 1.12)0.85(0.29, 2.50)
0.85(0.29, 2.49)0.92(0.75, 1.12)
Germany1.04(0.77, 1.41)0.69(0.44, 1.06)
1.41(0.98, 2.03) 1.62 (1.06, 2.49)
Netherlands 1.98 (1.27, 3.10) 1.75 (1.10, 2.79)
2.03 (1.30, 3.18) 1.68 (1.06, 2.67)