Table 2

 Hazard ratios for mortality and age and gender standardised prevalence rates by level of education of material, behavioural, and psychosocial explanatory factors

HR95%CILevel of educationp Value
Hazard ratios (HR) were corrected for age, gender, and level of education. Hazard ratios and percentages were weighted to make the sample representative for the original GLOBE respondents. The number of respondents varies because the number of missing values on the individual risk factors varied. p Values are for trend test by level of education.
Material factors
Health insurance (n = 4069)
    Public2.121.40 to 3.2187674725<0.0001
Financial difficulties (n = 4007)
    Big difficulties3.021.57 to 5.817332<0.0001
    Small difficulties1.280.83 to 1.972516129<0.0001
    No difficulties1.0069818590<0.0001
Housing tenure (n = 4065)
    Rented house1.471.03 to 2.1067463131<0.0001
    Owned house1.0033546969<0.0001
Behavioural factors
Smoking (n = 4056)
    Smoker2.321.44 to 3.7344393227<0.0001
    Former smoker1.190.71 to 2.0022303532<0.0001
    Never smoker1.00343133420.0006
Physical activity (n = 4007)
    Inactive3.141.77 to 5.6016141390.0009
    Moderately active2.141.29 to 3.5360514548<0.0001
Psychosocial factors
Life events (n = 4046)
    11.621.12 to 2.35332730320.66
    21.671.00 to 2.79141212140.81
    ⩾32.661.32 to 5.3564430.007
Locus of control (n = 4016)
    Internal locus of control (q1)1.007142340<0.0001
    2nd quintile1.830.83 to 4.0214212628<0.0001
    3rd quintile1.650.73 to 3.70131719150.25
    4th quintile1.490.68 to 3.2626241911<0.0001
    External locus of control (q5)2.191.03 to 4.703925135<0.0001