Table 2

 Estimates used of percentage change in mortality and hospital admissions for the effect of an acute change of 1 μg/m3 PM10

Diagnostic categoryICD-9 codes25ICD-10 codes26Age groupMean annual number of eventsEffect estimates
20 km areaLondonAPHEA-2Meta-analyses
APHEA, short term effects of air pollution on health: European approach. NMMAPS, national mortality and morbidity air pollution study. WHO, World Health Organisation. COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. IHD, ischaemic heart disease. A&E, accident and emergency department.
All non-traumatic deaths<800A* -R*All299830.03% (−0.02 to +0.07)160.06% (0.04–0.08) (lag 0–1)270.074% (0.062–0.086) (WHO, 1997 estimate)28,29
0.16% (0.043–0.097) (distributed lag 0–40)110.064% (0.048–0.077)30
0.05 (0.04–0.06) (combined APHEA and NMMAPS31)
All respiratory deaths460–519J*All58780.11% (0.04–0.20)16
COPD + asthma deaths490–496J40*-J47*⩾6514410.25% (0.06–0.46)16
Circulatory admissions390–459I*0–6494610.11% (0.04–0.18)170.05% (0.02–0.08)18
⩾65194100.05% (−0.00 to +0.10)17
Cardiac admissions390–429I00–I30all ages20611 0.08% (0.03–0.14) 32 0.05% (0.02–0.08)10
>65138700.07% (0.04–0.10) 10
IHD admissions410–414I20–I250–6441510.13% (0.03–0.25)17
⩾6563030.08% (0.01–0.16)170.08% (0.03–0.12)10
Respiratory admissions460–519J*All273450.08% (0.03–0.16)170.08% (0.05 to 0.11) (WHO)28,29
0.04% (−0.03 to +0.12) 32
⩾6512045 0.04% (−0.03 to 0.12) 18 0.1% (0.04–0.15)18
COPD + asthma admissions490–496J40–J47⩾654931 0.03 (−0.08 to +0.15) 18 0.1% (0.04–0.15)18
Lower respiratory infection admissions466, 480–486J12–J22⩾6555420.13% (0.02–0.25)17
Asthma admissions 493 J45–J46 0–14 2251 0.06% (−0.08 to +0.2) 18 0.12% (0.02–0.23) 18
15–64 1955 0.14% (−0.01 to +0.3) 18 0.11% (0.03–0.18) 18
Asthma attendances at A&E self reported 0–14 Not available 0.30% (0.09–0.50) cumulative 19
15–64 Not available 0.24% (0.07–0.42) cumulative 19